Focusing on Fiscal Responsibility

Government works best when it does so within its means. Congress must make fiscally responsible decisions for the good of our country and our economic future. 

I am committed to working with Republicans and Democrats in Congress to cut wasteful spending, close tax loopholes, and end unnecessary subsidies. If both parties come together to find common-sense solutions, we can reduce the deficit, get back to balanced budgets, and continue moving our country forward.

Lowering health care and prescription drug costs. For rural states like New Hampshire, investing in local and regional health centers and systems makes a huge difference. By increasing access to preventive and primary care services, we can save money in the long term and make our communities safer and healthier. 

Ensuring that the wealthy pay their fair share. Our current tax code overwhelmingly benefits the ultra-wealthy and places an undue burden on hardworking families and small businesses. I’m fighting to make sure wealthy corporations pay their fair share and to end costly tax loopholes.

Keeping New Hampshire dollars local. Keeping our state’s tax dollars local whenever possible benefits small businesses and New Hampshire families. The less bureaucratic red tape we have to cut through, the more those savings can be passed on directly to and reinvested in the communities that need it the most.

Negotiating responsible budgets. A budget is a statement of values, and while we may have disagreements about how we get there, Democrats and Republicans must come together to reduce the deficit in a balanced, responsible way to create jobs and grow the economy. This means cleaning up our federal balance sheet, cutting wasteful spending, reducing duplicative regulations, and investing in valuable programs to support our most vulnerable neighbors.