Press Releases

Kuster Introduces Bill to Increase Trade Opportunities for New Hampshire Businesses

The “Promoting Travel, Commerce, and National Security Act” would facilitate U.S. preclearance operations in Canada

This afternoon, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) introduced the “Promoting Travel, Commerce, and National Security Act” in the House of Representatives. This bipartisan legislation would streamline travel and commerce operations between the U.S. and Canada, thereby expanding trade opportunities for Granite State businesses and helping to strengthen our national security. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced companion legislation in the Senate today.

“Since taking office, I have made job creation and support for local business a number one priority. I’m proud to join with Senator Leahy to introduce this bill, which will increase economic and trade opportunities for New Hampshire companies all across the state,” said Congresswoman Annie Kuster. “What’s more, this bill will benefit our tourism sector, which is New Hampshire’s second largest industry. By streamlining travel processes between the U.S. and Canada, my bill will strengthen our national security by helping law enforcement stop individuals who pose a potential threat before they step foot on our soil. This is a win-win all around, and I encourage my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come together to pass this important piece of legislation.”

“I am proud to support the introduction of this important legislation today along with my House and Senate colleagues. This preclearance agreement between Canada and the United States promotes travel and trade between our two countries and strengthens security along our border. U.S.-Canada trade supports millions of jobs and generates billions of dollars in revenue every year. This legislation will  strengthen those ties and provide Customs and Border Protection agents with the tools to keep our nations secure,” said Congresswoman Louise Slaughter.

The legislation introduced today paves the way for expansion of preclearance facilities, operated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, at land, rail, marine, and air ports of departure in Canada. The United States currently operates preclearance facilities at 15 airports in six countries, including Canada.  These facilities allow travelers to pass through CBP inspections prior to traveling, expediting their arrival in the United States, and protecting national security by preventing those who should not be traveling to the United States from doing so before they arrive. 

Under a new agreement, the United States will expand its preclearance operations in Canada, which will include rail preclearance facilities for the first time. The Leahy-Kuster authored legislation ensures that the U.S. has the legal authority to hold U.S. officials accountable if they engage in wrongdoing while stationed in Canada – a necessary prerequisite to full implementation of this agreement.

The bill was introduced in the House today by Congresswoman Annie Kuster, and in the Senate by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) as the chief Republican cosponsor.  The other original cosponsors of the House bill are Elise Stefanik (NY-21), Suzan DelBene (WA-01), Louise Slaughter (NY-25), Brian Higgins (NY-26), Dan Benishek (MI-01), Dan NewHouse (WA-04), Kevin Cramer (ND-AL), Rick Nolan (MN-08), Chris Collins (NY-27), and Ron Kind (WI-03).

Since taking office, Kuster has pushed for increased job creation and economic opportunity for Granite Staters. She is the author of a Middle Class Jobs and Opportunity Agenda, a blueprint based on meetings with Granite State residents, families, and business owners that outlines common sense steps to help create jobs in New Hampshire. Through her Congress-At-Your-Company series, Kuster routinely visits small businesses and economic development projects across the state to hear how she can help support their success, and she has hosted a number of job fairs to connect employers with Granite Staters looking for work.
