Catching Up with Annie

Delivering for Granite State farmers and families

Dear Friend, 

Investing in Agriculture and Rural Development

On Monday, I joined my colleagues on the House Farm Bill Conference Committee in signing the Farm Bill, which includes critical investments for agriculture and rural development in New Hampshire. I was proud to help secure provisions in the final Farm Bill that the Senate and the House passed this week that will strengthen the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) and expand the reach of the program. The NBRC has a proven track record of supporting rural development projects that are having a positive impact in northern parts of New Hampshire. This bill will provide long-term certainty for New Hampshire farmers and support communities throughout the Granite State, and I look forward to it being signed into law. 

Signing the Conference Committee Farm Bill

Leading by Example to Combat Sexual Violence

I’m pleased the House and Senate were able to come together and enact long-overdue reforms to sexual harassment policies in Congress. In the #MeToo era, Democrats and Republicans alike are committed to advancing legislation that addresses the scourge of sexual violence and harassment across our nation. In order to do so effectively, we must lead by example and be an institution and workplace where survivors’ allegations are taken seriously and promptly adjudicated. This bill is an important first step in reaching that goal, but much more work remains. I look forward to continuing to tackle these issues head-on when the new Congress convenes in January.

Ending U.S. Involvement in Yemen

On Wednesday, I voted against a measure to prevent the House of Representatives from taking up legislation to address U.S. involvement in the civil war in Yemen. The heartbreaking situation in the country is a stain on the conscience of the world. Yemen is a humanitarian disaster and Congress should speak in one voice to condemn efforts that are killing countless Yemenis and dooming millions more to famine. I’m outraged that House Republicans voted to prevent Congress from taking steps to end this crisis, but I’m pleased the Senate did the opposite and said loudly and clearly that the U.S. should end its military support for Saudi military operations in the war. It is a step in the right direction, and I will keep working to help end this atrocity once and for all. 

Restoring Confidence in the Business Community

Last Friday, I brought together Democrats and Republicans to call on House leadership to institute a one-year moratorium on the implementation of an online sales tax for small businesses, which was put forth in the South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. Supreme Court decision in June. An online sales tax would subject New Hampshire small businesses to more than 9,000 separate tax jurisdictions across the country, and a one-year moratorium on collections would ensure that small business owners and workers will have time to fully comply with the law and remove uncertainty within the business community. 

Here to Serve You 

As your Representative, my most important responsibility is assisting Granite Staters when they need help with federal agencies. I was contacted by Mark Quinlan of Amherst, who had an issue of concern regarding his Medicare coverage. My staff worked with the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services and the Social Security Administration and helped resolve Mark’s situation. If my office may help with a problem you are experiencing, please reach out to my staff at 603-226-1002 so we can learn how we may help.

I encourage you to continue reaching out to my office with any questions, concerns or ideas you have. I love hearing from you! Thank you for all your wonderful contributions to our great state, and I hope you enjoy your weekend.
