Press Releases

Kuster-Authored Legislation to Eliminate Regulations on Small Farmers Included in Omnibus Appropriations Bill

**Bipartisan bill would cut red tape for small producers wishing to access federal conservation programs**

(Concord, NH) - Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) applauded the inclusion of her bipartisan legislation to support small family farms in the Omnibus appropriations bill. Kuster sponsored the Improving Access to Farm Conservation Act, a bipartisan piece of legislation that would remove a burdensome reporting requirement for small producers wishing to access federal conservation programs through the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). As a Member of the House Agriculture Committee, Congresswoman Kuster has championed this bipartisan issue to eliminate a barrier to entry for federal conservation programs, which offer financial assistance to producers wishing to improve soil health, water quality and other environmental issues on their farms.

“Cutting red tape for small farmers in New Hampshire and improving accessibility to NRCS conservation programs is a win for both our agricultural community and our environment,” said Kuster. “I have long called for the exemption of farmers from the confusing SAMS/DUNS registration process, which was designed for billion-dollar government contractors and not small family farmers who want to utilize basic conservation programs that improve the environmental integrity of their farm, and their bottom line. My bipartisan legislation will provide relief for farmers and improve their ability to access these critical NRCS programs. I applaud the inclusion of this commonsense bill in the Omnibus appropriations legislation that was passed this week.”
