Press Releases

Kuster Calls for Common Sense, Compromise In Speech at New England Council

Urges Republicans, Democrats to find bipartisan solutions to nation’s fiscal challenges

Emphasizing the need for common sense and compromise in Washington, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) today called on Republicans and Democrats to work together to find bipartisan solutions to our nation’s fiscal challenges during a speech at a New England Council Congressional Roundtable breakfast with local business leaders.

BEDFORD, N.H. – Emphasizing the need for common sense and compromise in Washington, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) today called on Republicans and Democrats to work together to find bipartisan solutions to our nation’s fiscal challenges during a speech at a New England Council Congressional Roundtable breakfast with local business leaders.

“Here’s my bottom line. Yes, Republicans and Democrats have real differences. Yes, we will disagree on some issues,” Kuster said. “But let’s work together on the things we do agree on. Let’s do our part to restore peoples’ faith that Congress can still do the right thing. Let’s start solving problems instead of creating new ones.”

During her remarks, Kuster praised her fellow freshmen colleagues on both sides of the aisle for their early efforts to find common ground, noting that meaningfully addressing our fiscal challenges will require both parties to compromise.

“None of us expects to agree on everything,” Kuster said. “We’re not naïve. We’re not blind to our differences. But we’re also not willing to let the things we disagree on prevent us from making progress on the things we do agree on.”

“We want to be part of a new era in Congress where bipartisan solutions are the rule, not the exception...No more my way or the highway demands. No more lurching from crisis to crisis. No more demonizing people you disagree with. Just a laser-like focus on working together to solve problems.”

In February, Kuster helped establish the United Solutions Caucus, a new bipartisan coalition of Republican and Democratic freshmen Representatives focused on resolving our nation’s fiscal challenges in a common sense, bipartisan way. In a letter to President Obama and House leadership last month, the group outlined a framework for addressing our fiscal challenges that’s focused on streamlining government, simplifying the tax code, generating new revenue, and cutting spending – while protecting Social Security and Medicare.                                                                                                    


Press Contact:
Rob Friedlander, (202) 225-5206