Press Releases

Kuster Statement on Scheduled Hearing of Kavanaugh and Ford

(Concord, NH) – Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02), the founder and co-chair of the Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence, released the following statement on the decision of the Senate Judiciary Committee to schedule open hearings with Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, who has brought forward an accusation of sexual assault against Kavanaugh:

“I commend Dr. Ford for having the courage to come forward with her allegation of sexual assault against Judge Kavanaugh,” said Kuster. “Dr. Ford knew that telling her story would open her up to the relentless attacks that survivors of sexual violence sadly face all too often. I’m encouraged that the Senate Judiciary Committee is taking this issue seriously and has scheduled hearings to bring the full truth to light. It will be up to the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to carefully consider this issue.  

“Regardless of the outcome, it is critical that Dr. Ford is treated with the utmost respect. Sexual violence is one of the most underreported crimes in our society because of the stigma and backlash faced by survivors.  We need to send a strong message to survivors everywhere that they are not alone and that they are not at fault.”
