Press Releases

Kuster Votes to Override Presidential Veto of Resolution Terminating the Trump Emergency Declaration

Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) voted to override President Trump’s veto of a bipartisan resolution terminating his emergency declaration. The resolution failed to achieve the two-thirds majority required to override the veto.

“President Trump is threatening resources for important national security efforts at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard to fulfill a campaign promise,” said Kuster. “I’m disappointed that the House was unable to come together to override this veto, which is an attempt to circumvent the will of the American people and Congress. We need real, effective 21st Century border security and immigration solutions, not the partisan rhetoric coming from the White House.”

In his emergency declaration, President Trump is proposing to tap into $2.5 billion from the military through its interdiction and counter drug account and $600 million from an asset forfeiture program at the Treasury Department. Additionally, the President intends to use $3.5 billion allocated for military construction to improve bases for U.S. troops and recruit, train, and retain members of the military. Kuster joined the New Hampshire Delegation in writing to the President to express concern about the use of funds intended for the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.
