Press Releases

Northern Border Regional Commission Funding Included in Government Funding Bill

Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02), welcomed the inclusion of funding for the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) in the government funding bill. The omnibus funds the NBRC at $15 million for Fiscal Year 2018, an increase of $5 million over Fiscal Year 2017. Kuster has been a leader in the effort to protect the Northern Border Regional Commission, which was singled out for elimination in President Trump’s budget proposal. Kuster has introduced bipartisan legislation the Northern Border Regional Commission Reauthorization Act to continue funding for the NBRC for five years.

“The Northern Border Regional Commission has spurred economic development programs and has helped to create jobs in some of the most economically distressed parts of New Hampshire,” said Kuster. “I’ve pushed for NBRC funding because this is an extremely effective program that has supported rural communities in New Hampshire and across the northern border region. I’m committed to standing up for rural communities throughout New Hampshire and this funding is an important step. I’ll continue to fight for my bipartisan legislation that would reauthorize the NBRC for five years so that communities can have certainty that this program will be there now and in the future.”