In the News

Nashua Telegraph: Editorial: Call for student debt relief is warranted

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The average college graduate entered a tight job market in 2011 owing $26,600 in student loans – the most since the start of keeping records in 2005. In New Hampshire, the situation was considerably worse with the average graduate owing $32,440, the highest in the country and 22 percent greater than the national average.

Union Leader: Kuster bill would promote partnerships

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U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster, D-N.H., on Thursday introduced legislation that would provide tax incentives to businesses that partner with community colleges and other educational institutions to strengthen workforce development for students.

Keene Sentinel: Kuster: Action is needed to address military sexual assaults

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Congress and the American people are rightly outraged by the ongoing epidemic of sexual assault within our military. From the widespread misconduct at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, to military commanders unilaterally overturning convictions of sexual assault, military sexual trauma has reached a crisis point.