In the News

Kuster hosts virtual roundtable focused on ACA

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CONCORD – Rep. Annie Kuster is urging President Donald Trump and her Republican colleagues to abandon their focus from doing away with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and instead extend access to affordable, available health care to every American. The congresswoman joined a virtual round table discussion with addiction medicine specialists, treatment and recovery providers and…

Column: COVID-19 exposes weak links in our food chain

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Of all the inequity and dysfunction exposed by COVID-19, the disconnect in our food chain breaks my heart. The images of farmers having to dump their milk down the drain or till their freshly grown fruits and vegetables back into the soil are devastating. Farmers have struggled with schools and restaurants closed since the COVID-19 shutdown and with red tape as they try to donate their…

U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster unveils Roadmap to Recovery plan with support from Nashua mayor

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NASHUA – Two issues continue to threaten people’s lives and prevent the economy from reopening – access to testing and personal protective equipment. In unveiling her “Roadmap to Recovery” program on Wednesday, U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster, N.H.-D2, cited access to testing and access to PPE as two problematic areas, especially when considering that many…

Rep. Annie Kuster: We need a coordinated national testing strategy to responsibly reopen our economy

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Over the past two months, New Hampshire and the nation have faced an unprecedented challenge with the spread of the novel coronavirus. The public health and economic consequences of COVID-19 have sent shockwaves throughout the Granite State. In an effort to protect the most vulnerable individuals among us, states and communities across the country have implemented physical distancing…

Rep. Annie Kuster: Health and economic crisis caused by coronavirus requires coordinated response

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IN THE past four weeks, New Hampshire has seen an unprecedented number of unemployment claims – over 114,000, which equals the total claims over the past three years combined. At the same time, confirmed cases of COVID-19 here in New Hampshire surpassed 1,200, with presumably more who are ill but unable to access testing. The disruption in our lives and the full scope of this…

Congressional delegation urges US Dept. of Labor to help states deliver unemployment checks quickly

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MANCHESTER, N.H. — The state’s congressional delegation is urging the U.S. Department of Labor to help state employment security agencies, including in New Hampshire, deliver unemployment checks as quickly as possible. New Hampshire employment security officials have called in the National Guard to help log claims, and the department promises to alleviate the backlog by the…

Rep. Annie Kuster: We must not forget those experiencing sexual and domestic violence during this pandemic

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The coronavirus pandemic has uprooted our lives in ways few could have imagined even just a few weeks ago. We are living through a time of worry and uncertainty – we all fear for the health and well-being of our family, friends and ourselves. Our health care system and our economy are being stressed to their core. Everyone who is able to stay home and…

NH Primary Source: Kuster co-sponsors bill to provide COVID-19 response funding to smaller communities

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PROPOSAL FOR FUNDS FOR SMALLER COMMUNITIES. The $2 trillion Phase 3 coronavirus relief bill known as the CARES Act, passed nearly two weeks ago, provides direct community stabilization funds only to cities and counties with populations of 500,000 or more. U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster on Tuesday joined with more than 70 other House members in support of new legislation that would provide…

Small businesses need cash. Seacoast towns want to help.

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Could Seacoast municipalities postpone property tax collection for residents or create their own programs to get cash in the hands of small businesses? Local cities and towns say they’re exploring ideas like these to help mitigate the local impacts of COVID-19 shutdowns. The ideas are far from finalized or guaranteed because of the rapidly changing coronavirus response landscape,…

NH to receive $28.1 million in federal funds to fight opioid, meth, cocaine crisis in 2020

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MANCHESTER, N.H. — New Hampshire will receive $28.1 million in federal funding in 2020 to continue its efforts to combat the substance abuse crisis, Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan announced Friday. The funding will come in the form of State Opioid Response grants administered by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, known as…