Catching Up with Annie

Building a Clean, Energy-Efficient Economy

Dear Friend,

Building a Clean, Energy-Efficient Economy

On Monday, I held a roundtable discussion with environmental and energy policy experts and unveiled my Clean Energy Agenda, which consists of legislation I’ve led and am supporting to address climate change and transition to a clean energy economy. Simply put, we cannot fight climate change without building a clean, energy-efficient economy. The legislation in my agenda aims to secure America’s path toward a sustainable future. Additionally, many of these bills have bipartisan support and demonstrate specific actions that Congress can take right away to reduce carbon pollution. I look forward to my continued work to improve public health, strengthen our economy with green jobs, and protect the natural beauty we are so lucky to have in the Granite State.

This week I also sat down with the Concord Chamber to discuss my Clean Energy Agenda and explore bipartisan solutions that can decarbonize our economy. From winter sports to maple harvesting, I look forward to my continued work to transition our state to a clean energy economy to protect all that makes the Granite State such a special place to call home.

Empowering New Hampshire Businesses

This week I was glad to join community leaders at the New England Council (NEC) to give an update on my work in Congress and discuss how we can work together to grow New Hampshire’s economy and help our local businesses thrive. The NEC is a wonderful advocate for Granite State families and businesses – I look forward to our continued work together to ensure our state has the tools it needs to succeed and get ahead.

Working with community leaders to help the Granite State thrive.

Bipartisan Action to Prevent Fentanyl Overdoses 

I led Wednesday’s House passage of the Temporary Reauthorization and Study of the Emergency Scheduling of Fentanyl Analogues Act. Fentanyl is killing people in New Hampshire and across the country. Communities throughout our state have been devastated by the opioid epidemic and we know that synthetic opioids such as fentanyl are central to fueling this deadly crisis. We must use every tool available to reduce fatal fentanyl overdoses. On Wednesday, Congress took bipartisan action and averted disaster by ensuring that fentanyl remains a schedule 1 narcotic and members of our law enforcement community don’t have the rug pulled out from under them. I will continue to work across the aisle to ensure that we combat the opioid and substance abuse crisis from every angle. 

Speaking on the House Floor about the legislation. Watch here.

USMCA Agreement Signed into Law

On Wednesday, President Trump signed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) into law. I voted in favor of the trade agreement last month, and I was glad to see Congress and the White House work together in a bipartisan way to get it over the finish line. Many Granite State businesses export goods and services to Canada and Mexico, and cross-border trade with our neighbors is crucial to the health and vitality of New Hampshire’s economy. The agreement signed on Wednesday includes provisions to enforce Mexico’s labor reforms and safeguard American jobs, more robust rules, and accountability mechanisms to protect our natural resources and improve access to Canadian markets for our dairy farmers. 

In addition, House Democrats successfully blocked language in USMCA that would have raised prescription drug costs for Americans, and secured key enforcement provisions to protect American jobs and improve accountability with Mexican labor laws. The agreement that the President provided Congress had insufficient enforcement mechanisms in these key areas, and I was proud to work with my colleagues to fix these problematic aspects of USMCA. While I’m encouraged that the agreement includes improved environmental protections, there is more we can and must do to combat climate change and reduce carbon pollution. I look forward to my continued work to protect our environment, address climate change, and help the Granite State economy thrive.

Honoring Christa McAuliffe

Tuesday marked the 34th anniversary of the Challenger disaster that took the life of Concord High School teacher Christa McAuliffe, along with the lives of fellow crew members Dick Scobee, Gregory Jarvis, Judith Resnik, Ronald McNair, Mike Smith and Ellison Onizuka. 

Everyone in New Hampshire remembers where they were on the day of the Challenger disaster. Our nation and the students who were privileged to have Christa McAuliffe as their teacher were heartbroken. Christa reached for the stars and inspired her students to do the same. I was honored to join my colleagues to help pass legislation just last year to create a commemorative coin to keep Christa’s pioneering spirit alive as she continues to spark a passion for science and exploration among younger generations. 

Christa McAuliffe

My Guest at the State of the Union Next Week

I’m proud that Ross Cunningham, Superintendent of the Merrimack County Department of Corrections, will join me in Washington as my guest for the State of the Union Address next week. I deeply respect Mr. Cunningham’s extensive experience in our justice system and I am grateful for his dedication to ensuring vulnerable Granite Staters with substance use disorder can access the treatment they need. While we’ve made progress in our fight to combat the opioid epidemic in New Hampshire and across the country, we have more work to do. Prevention, treatment and recovery go hand in hand with law enforcement in addressing substance misuse – we must end the cycle of addiction and incarceration. I’m glad to host Mr. Cunningham to signal our shared commitment to curbing substance use disorder and supporting those who struggle with addiction.

Here for You

As your Congresswoman, one of my biggest responsibilities is supporting Granite Staters when they need help with federal agencies. I was contacted by Patricia, a constituent from Littleton, who had an issue of concern regarding the Social Security Administration (SSA). My staff worked with SSA and helped resolve Patricia’s issue. If my office may be of assistance with a problem you are experiencing, please reach out to my staff at 603-226-1002 so we can learn how we may help.

Thank you for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to live. Have a great weekend!
