Catching Up with Annie

Taking on Challenges

Dear Friend,

Bipartisan Solutions to the Opioid Crisis

On Tuesday, I helped lead an Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health hearing titled, “Combating an Epidemic: Legislation to Help Patients with Substance Use Disorders.” The Committee examined my bipartisan legislation, the Humane Correctional Health Care Act. This game-changer legislation will break the vicious cycle of addiction, incarceration and recidivism, saving lives and millions in taxpayer dollars. In New Hampshire, we’ve seen the difference it can make to have appropriate health care in the criminal justice system. You can read the Concord Monitor's editorial on my bill here

At the hearing. Watch my remarks here.

House Advances Bipartisan Coronavirus Response Funding

On Wednesday, I voted in favor of an $8.3 billion coronavirus response package that includes $4.9 million to help New Hampshire combat this threat. In addition, the measure will bolster prevention efforts and development of affordable vaccines, reimburse states for the costs incurred, and address COVID-19 overseas. From my conversations with New Hampshire state officials, health care providers, and college and school administrators, it is clear that additional resources are necessary, and this bipartisan bill is a critical step toward strengthening our response to this public health emergency. To learn more about this package and ways to protect yourself from the coronavirus, click here

Protecting Access to Family Planning Services

I joined the march to the Supreme Court on Wednesday to highlight the importance of protecting access to family planning services and the rights of women to make their own health care decisions. The Supreme Court will hear a challenge to a Louisiana law that could lead to a decimation of access to abortion care in many parts of the nation, especially in rural areas. We cannot allow this to happen - we must stand together to protect reproductive freedoms across the country.

Marching at the Supreme Court. Watch here.

Bipartisan Action to Keep Students Safe 

On Monday, I joined Representative Pete Stauber (R-MN) to introduce the Clery Compliance Officer Designation Act of 2020, which directs schools to designate specific staff to ensure the accurate and timely reporting of sexual violence and other crimes on college and university campuses. Students and their families in the Granite State and across the country deserve to have up-to-date information about campus safety as they make decisions about where to attend school, and remain informed even after they are enrolled. The Clery Act continues to play a critical role in informing and protecting students against sexual violence and other crimes that can occur on campuses. The Clery Compliance Officer Designation Act of 2020 will strengthen this landmark legislation. 

Keeping Siblings Together in Foster Care

I introduced the bipartisan Keeping Siblings Together resolution this week, which would encourage states to keep siblings together in the foster care system. As a former adoption attorney, I saw firsthand the stress that the adoption and foster care process can cause children. The last thing these children need is the added trauma of being separated from their siblings, who are often their only sense of stability. I’m proud to introduce this commonsense legislation to protect sibling bonds and the well-being of children and I urge House leadership to bring this measure to a vote. 

Here for You

I encourage you to continue reaching out to my office with any questions, concerns or ideas you have. I’m always happy to hear from you! You can reach my Concord office at 603-226-1002 or my Washington, DC office at 202-225-5206. Thank you for the wonderful contributions you make to our great state. Enjoy the weekend!
