Catching Up with Annie

This Past Week in New Hampshire

Dear Friend,

Improving Our Healthcare System 

This week, I had the opportunity to make several stops as part of my Healthcare Listening Tour. As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, I’m focused lowering the costs of prescription drugs and healthcare, expanding access to care, and ensuring protections for the most vulnerable among us. In New Hampshire, we’ve been hard hit by the opioid epidemic and it’s clear that a robust healthcare delivery system is key to combating this crisis. The perspectives of Granite State families, recovery providers, and healthcare professionals is critical as we work to strengthen healthcare in the Granite State and across the country. 

In the past week I visited:

- Valley Regional Hospital in Claremont
- West Central Behavioral Health in Claremont
- Revive Recovery Center in Nashua
- Granite Pathways in Nashua
- Riverbend Community Health in Concord
- Franklin VNA and Hospice in Franklin


Franklin VNA and Hospice home visit

Supporting Local Workers and Small Businesses 

Over the last few days, I enjoyed sitting down with staff at some of our local businesses to discuss how we can work together to support workers and grow the economy here in New Hampshire. 

In Claremont, Red River Computers was kind enough to show me their facility where we discussed the company’s impressive 20 years of innovative tech integration from here in New Hampshire. I enjoyed having the opportunity to explore how we can partner to advance workforce development in our state.


Meeting at Red River in Claremont

This week, I also had the pleasure of visiting SoClean Inc. SoClean, which specializes in sanitizing medical equipment, moved its headquarters to Peterborough last year, bringing 100 jobs along with it. The business is looking to hire at least 100 more Granite Staters within the next year. I was pleased to hear more about the company’s success and enjoyed discussing what we can do to ensure that every New Hampshire resident has the tools he or she needs to succeed.  

At Milford High, I had a great time meeting with students and faculty to discuss the school’s manufacturing and externship program. This innovative program offers New Hampshire’s future workforce opportunities to explore a career in manufacturing. Expanding skills training and educational opportunities has never been more critical, I applaud Milford High’s forward-thinking pathway for these students. 


Meeting at Milford High School

In Peterborough, I sat down with the Contoocook Valley Board of Realtors at SoClean where we discussed economic development. I am encouraged by the progress we have made in our state, but we can do more. I remain committed to working on legislation to improve workforce and economic development as well as increase tourism across New Hampshire, so we can assure that every Granite State family can succeed and get ahead.We know that improving access to broadband internet and 21st Century infrastructure is key and I look forward to supporting efforts to ensure New Hampshire can maintain its competitive edge.

Mueller Report  

This week, the Justice Department released the redacted Mueller Report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. Congressional leaders should be provided with unredacted copies of the report, as well as all underlying evidence so the full scope of the investigation and its findings can be assessed.  

The protection of our electoral processes should not be a partisan issue and I am alarmed by the Trump Administration’s unwillingness to hold foreign actors responsible for their attack on the 2016 election. Congress must be given the tools it needs to safeguard our electoral systems and ensure that the American people have full confidence in the integrity of our democracy. 

Please Reach Out  

I encourage you to make your voice heard. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, I encourage you to reach out to any of my offices --I love hearing from my constituents! Thank you, as always, for everything you do to make the Granite State such a wonderful place to call home. I hope you enjoy your weekend! 
