Catching Up with Annie

A stronger Granite State

Dear Friend,

Last week, several Granite State high schools took part in RESPECT Week, a teen-centered campaign designed by the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (NHCADSV) to promote healthy relationships and foster communities of respect in high schools. On Tuesday, I visited Concord High School, which took part in this important awareness campaign, and met with students, local educators, healthcare providers, and members of law enforcement to discuss efforts to end dating violence in our communities. We need to update the way we think and talk about this issue in our society, and I know all of the panelists and the students who were watching in the audience are an instrumental part of changing that conversation. You can read about my visit in the Concord Monitor HERE.

At Concord High School discussing efforts to combat dating violence

On Wednesday, I joined Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) officials and Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig at Families in Transition to announce grant funding from 21st Century Cures to support DHMC obstetrical programs. DHMC is doing incredible work to support women through the Moms in Recovery program who face enormous challenges overcoming substance use disorder, and these funds will help implement effective treatment and create a better future for new and expectant mothers. You can watch the press conferenceHERE.

At Families in Transition to Announce Grant Funding for DHMC Programs

In today’s ever-changing economy, it is critical that we provide workers with access to training programs that will allow them to pursue the jobs of the 21st century economy. This week, I met with community, business and education leaders to discuss and receive feedback on workforce issues facing Salem and the North Country and efforts to support workforce development initiatives. My legislation, the Workforce Development Investment Act, would create tax incentives to encourage companies to partner with education providers to develop workforce training programs for skills that are in demand within their community or region. I appreciate the insights of everyone who joined me to discuss this issue and I will continue working to expand economic opportunity for people throughout the Granite State. 

At Salem CTE discussing workforce issues

I know that the days in the wake of another tragic shooting, this time in Florida, have been challenging. High school students in Parkland, Florida have an important message for adults across America and especially those of us serving in elected office. The time to act to end gun violence and protect innocent schoolchildren is long overdue. We must, and I believe we will, come together to pass meaningful common sense solutions. The right approach is not either one way or the other. The right approach protects schoolchildren and the rights of responsible gun owners. The right approach promotes access to mental health treatment and protects privacy of those in need of treatment and support.

While there may be much disagreement about how to address school shootings, it's important that we don't let our differences prevent us from moving forward and finding common ground. No one can look at the images from Florida and not be heartbroken and at the same time be reminded that we have felt that same heartbreak far too many times. There's no doubt that we need to act to address this crisis. I'm glad to see that members of both parties back legislation such as the Fix NICS Act, which would improve the background check system. While this bill alone won't solve the prevalence of gun violence, moving forward on commonsense legislation is an important start and will be critical to breaking down the barriers between us and encouraging long overdue action. Congress should consider funding for research on gun violence, a legislative bump stock ban, and other comprehensive measures.

In the coming weeks, I will be listening to all points of view, from the courageous young people who are finding their voice to stop gun violence to law enforcement, teachers, counsellors, parents and responsible gun owners across the district. I welcome a thoughtful, respectful dialogue. I will consider solutions proposed by Republicans and Democrats. Together, we will find the right way to protect our children and our communities. That's my responsibility as a mother and a Member of Congress.

As your Representative, my most important job is supporting Granite Staters when they need help. I was contacted by Richard Wright of Troy who was having difficulty getting dental care from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) White River Junction center. My staff worked with the VA and helped Richard receive dental treatment. If my office may ever be of assistance with a problem you are experiencing, please reach out to my staff at 603-226-1002 so we may help you resolve your problem or get the information you need.

I encourage you to continue reaching out to me with any thoughts or questions you may have. Thank you for being a part of what makes New Hampshire such a wonderful place to live and I hope you have a great weekend!
