Catching Up with Annie

Safe, Affordable Housing for Veterans

Dear Friend,

Safe, Affordable Housing for Veterans

Today, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held for the recently completed Boulder Point Veterans Housing Project in Plymouth, which I visited last month. The brave men and women who served in uniform have made incredible sacrifices for our country, and it is our duty to support them when they return home. Ensuring veterans have access to safe, affordable housing is a critical part of that support. I was proud to help get the funding that was needed to make this wonderful community a reality. This project is the result of dedicated work by countless individuals and I want to extend my appreciation to everyone who made this possible. I will continue working to ensure members of the military community have access to the care and services they deserve.

Touring Boulder Point on August 19th 

STEM Benefits for GI Bill Students

I’m pleased to spread the word about STEM benefits for GI Bill students. Effective now, post 9/11 GI Bill students enrolled in STEM programs could have an additional nine months of GI Bill benefits available to them. The STEM Scholarship provision is part of the Forever GI Bill Act of 2017, which made improvements to the Post-9/11 GI Bill of 2008. Among these improvements is a provision to give extra benefits to students training in the high-demand fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). For more information, visit

Respecting the Rights of Granite Staters

I have serious concerns about the use of far-reaching interior border checkpoints. These types of operations need to be done in a way that doesn’t infringe on the constitutional rights of Granite Staters or tarnish the image of New Hampshire as a great place to visit. I believe that narrowing the window in which these checkpoints can be operated will allow Customs and Border Patrol to do its job while respecting the rights of people in our state.

Supporting Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence 

I was glad to do my part to help see much-needed funding make its way to Turning Points Network in Claremont and the New Hampshire Department of Justice to help survivors of domestic and sexual violence get the support they need to heal. I will continue my work in Congress on the Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence to support survivors, make our communities safer, and prevent such violence from occurring in the first place. 

Combating the Substance Use Disorder Epidemic

I was proud to join Senator Shaheen, Senator Hassan and Congressman Pappas this week to announce the award of over $26.6 million in federal funding to help combat the substance use disorder epidemic. This funding from the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) will give the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services deeper insight into opioid overdoses and deaths in New Hampshire – equipping authorities and medical professionals with the tools necessary to improve prevention, response and treatment methods. As the co-chair of the Bipartisan Opioid Task Force, I will continue my efforts to secure the funding we need to curb this crisis that has deeply affected communities across the Granite State and the country. 

Here for You

As your Congresswoman, one of my biggest responsibilities is supporting Granite Staters when they need help with federal agencies. I was contacted by Patricia, a constituent from Franklin, who had an issue of concern involving Social Security benefits. My staff worked with the Social Security Administration and helped resolve Patricia's issue. If my office may be of assistance with a problem you are experiencing, please reach out to my staff at 603-226-1002 so we can learn how we may help.

As always, thank you for the wonderful contributions you make to our great state. I hope you have an amazing weekend!
