Catching Up with Annie

Protecting access to quality health care

Dear Friend,

Protecting Granite Staters with Preexisting Conditions

On Wednesday, I joined my Energy and Commerce Committee colleagues to question the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator, Seema Verma, about the Trump Administration’s continued efforts to sabotage the Affordable Care Act. While Democrats have been working to lower health care costs and improve access to quality care, the Trump Administration continues to work to undermine our health care system and take us back to a time when Americans could be charged more or denied coverage because of their medical history. More than half of Granite Staters live with a preexisting condition, leaving them vulnerable to this administration’s relentless attacks. I will continue to hold the administration accountable as we work to find solutions to protect those with preexisting conditions and lower health care costs.

Questioning CMS Administrator Seema Verma. Watch here.

Drug Take Back Day

Tomorrow is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. From 10 AM -2 PM, you will be able to safely dispose of old or unused prescription drugs at your local police department. Responsibly disposing of these medications can help prevent substance misuse. For more information and to find your local collection site, click here

Preventing Future Tragedies and Keeping Our Roads Safe

I was proud to voice my support on Wednesday for the SAFE DRIVERS Act to prevent tragedies like the one we experienced in Randolph this summer when seven members of the Jarheads Motorcycle Club lost their lives and three others were injured after a truck collided with their group.  The driver responsible for the accident should never have been behind the wheel that day – the individual still had a license due to a loophole where state DMVs often do not process out-of-state infractions. This commonsense legislation would help states implement electronic systems to keep dangerous drivers off our roads and keep our communities safe.

Speaking on the Floor about the SAFE DRIVERS Act. Watch here.

Securing our elections from foreign interference

As a member of Congress, it is my duty to protect and defend the Constitution and the rights therein. As foreign adversaries continue to attack our democratic process, I am proud to support the SHIELD Act to counter foreign interference and protect our national security. 

This legislation would increase campaign finance transparency, crack down on online disinformation campaigns, keep foreign money out of our elections, prevent foreign influence in our elections, and curb voter suppression and intimidation. It's critical that we act to protect the integrity of our democratic institutions. 

Protecting Animals from Cruelty 

I was proud the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act passed the house unanimously on Tuesday. My sons grew up with our beloved cats, Petey and Pelé, and this legislation will protect pets like them by making animal cruelty a federal offense. I’m glad that my colleagues from both sides of the aisle agree: cruelty against animals has no place in our society. 

Helping Sexual Assault Survivors Move Forward

The Debbie Smith Reauthorization Act passed the House on Wednesday with strong support from both Republicans and Democrats. I was proud to support this legislation because no survivor of sexual assault should be denied justice because their local police department can’t afford to test their rape kit. The Debbie Smith Reauthorization Act provides funding to process DNA evidence, put rapists behind bars, and help survivors move forward. Now it’s time for the Senate to reauthorize this much-needed, commonsense legislation. 

Here for You 

As your Congresswoman, one of my biggest responsibilities is supporting Granite Staters when they need help with federal agencies. I was contacted by Charles, a constituent from Bow who had an issue of concern regarding the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS). My staff worked with CMS and helped resolve Charles’s issue. If my office may be of assistance with a problem you are experiencing, please reach out to my staff at 603-226-1002 so we can learn how we may help.

Thank you, as always, for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to call home. I hope you have a great weekend!
