Catching Up with Annie

New Beginnings

Dear Friend, 

Honored to Continue Representing You

It was an honor to be sworn into the 116th Congress yesterday to continue representing New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District. I’m humbled by the trust you have placed in me. As Democrats assume the majority in the House of Representatives, I’m excited to pursue a bold agenda focused on supporting hardworking families, growing our economy, serving our veterans, and protecting our environment. In the new Congress, we will do the work expected by the American people, reaching across the aisle to forge compromise and deliver reforms that will improve access to healthcare, make further progress on the opioid epidemic, and expand economic opportunity for all. I’m also excited to welcome my friend Chris Pappas to Congress. I know that Chris will be a strong voice for the Granite State and will work with our fantastic Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan to deliver results for the people of New Hampshire.

With old and new friends at yesterday's swearing in

Herstory in the Making

I’m also thrilled and honored to serve with a historic number of women in the 116th Congress. This incredible group of lawmakers is going to be a driving force behind real action to build an America that works for everyone. 

With the incredible women of the 116th Congress

Reopening the Government

Last night, I voted in favor of legislation to reopen the government. President Trump’s decision to shut down the government over his border wall was irresponsible and completely unacceptable, and the House has passed two measures to reopen the government and pave the way for Congress to get to work on the issues important to the American people. These measures passed the Senate overwhelmingly last year, and I urge Senator McConnell to bring these funding bills to a vote immediately. The American people deserve much better than this reckless shutdown. We need comprehensive immigration reform that includes strengthened border security but that should not be pursued through a game of chicken over government funding.

Changing the Status Quo

I’ve heard from many Granite Staters that they are tired of the status quo and want real reforms that make Congress work for the people. That’s why my colleagues and I have unveiled H.R. 1, the For the People Act, a bold new agenda to make government more transparent and accountable. This package will make it easier—not harder—to vote, help get dark money out of politics, level the playing field for all Americans, and hold public officials more accountable. These are not partisan issues and I’m hopeful that we can build bipartisan support for this legislation. I’m excited to announce these proposals, and I look forward to working with my colleagues on the Democracy Reform Task Force to enact meaningful change for the American people.

With Congressman John Lewis and my colleagues unveiling H.R. 1

At Your Service

As your Representative, my most important responsibility is supporting Granite Staters when they need help with federal agencies. I was contacted by Keerthi Ramachandruni of Nashua, who had an issue of concern regarding the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). My staff worked with USCIS and helped resolve Keerthi’s situation. If my office may be of assistance with a problem you are experiencing, please reach out to my staff at 603-226-1002 so we can learn how we may help.

I’m grateful for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to call home. Thank you again for all your contributions, and I hope you enjoy your weekend!
