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Shaheen, Kuster Join Democrats' Call For Clean Energy Workforce Aid

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Members of Congress from New Hampshire are joining a call for clean energy workforce investment as part of the economic recovery from COVID-19.

U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen joined nearly 60 other Democrats, led by lawmakers from New York and New Mexico, who sent a letter on the issue to Congressional leadership this week.

The letter cites research showing the clean energy sector could lose nearly a quarter of its jobs to the pandemic in the near term.

Hundreds of related jobs have already been lost in New Hampshire.

To restore that workforce, the lawmakers say renewable energy "must be included in recovery planning."

They say these investments will also reduce carbon emissions and defray the harms of climate change, which will have an outsized effect in communities that are already bearing the brunt of the coronavirus.

Activists and New Hampshire state lawmakers have made similar calls for investment in recent weeks.