Catching Up with Annie

Change starts with you

Dear Friend, 

This week, I have been inspired by everyone who is letting survivors of sexual assault know they are not alone through their #MeToo posts. I know the challenges of coming forward all too well. I was silent about my experiences with sexual assault for nearly forty years. The brave women and men who are taking to social media to shed light on the persistent issue of sexual assault are helping to grow a conversation that will lead to real change. To the countless survivors who cannot speak out, know that we are here for you, we believe you, and it’s not your fault. I will continue to fight with my colleagues on the Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence for meaningful legislative change on this issue, and I encourage everyone to come together, speak up, and work toward the goal of ending sexual violence. Together, we can create a world where everyone can live, study, work and enjoy life in peace. 

On Monday, President Trump announced his intention to declare the opioid epidemic a national emergency. This is a welcome announcement but he needs to follow through with real action. I’ve led a letter to the President on behalf of the Bipartisan Heroin Task Force calling on his Administration to work with Congress to appropriate the funding necessary to make an emergency declaration an effective tool to take on this crisis. We know that the opioid epidemic is in part fueled by the over prescribing of opioid pain medication and it is critical that we increase the ability of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to control the distribution of these products. This week I introduced bipartisan legislation that will improve the ability of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to pursue bad actors related to the distribution of prescription opioids. This bill will repeal provisions of the Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Enforcement Act, which DEA officials cite as restricting their ability to do their job. 

The movements we see in our country to combat sexual violence and the opioid epidemic did not start in Congress; they started with people like you speaking out and declaring that something must be done. Now more than ever, I encourage you to always make your voice heard and fight for the issues important to your life. You should feel free to contact my Concord office at 603-226-1002 anytime to share your thoughts, ideas, stories, and to ask questions. 

Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!