Catching Up with Annie

A busy start to 2020

Dear Friend, 

Lowering Prescription Drug Costs


Discussing H.R. 3. Read more here.

It was great to join Granite State Progress and Riverbend Community Mental Health on Monday to discuss how Congress is fighting to lower the cost of prescription drugs and combat the opioid epidemic. I appreciate the opportunity to hear from folks in our community and to discuss the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, which we passed in the House in December. This legislation takes an important step toward easing the burden so many Americans face when choosing between the prescriptions they rely on and making ends meet. I was also glad to discuss the inclusion of $10 billion I helped secure in this legislation to combat substance misuse in the Granite State and nationwide. The Senate should act on this legislation immediately so that everyone can afford the medications they need.

Combating PFAS Contamination 

Today, the House passed the PFAS Action Act of 2019 to help ensure that all Americans have access to clean and safe water free of dangerous “forever chemicals.” We know that PFAS chemicals pose a serious threat to the health and wellbeing of communities in New Hampshire and across the country, and this commonsense measure will help ensure that the water Americans consume and use on a daily basis is safe. I was proud to see language from my bill, the Protecting Communities from New PFAS Act, to turn off the tap for new PFAS chemicals making their way through the EPA approval process, was included in this legislation. I encourage the Senate to bring this commonsense measure swiftly to a vote.


Speaking on the floor about PFAS legislation. Watch here.

Keeping Americans Safe & Preventing an Unnecessary War

As a Member of Congress, my first responsibility is to keep New Hampshire families and the American people safe. This week, I voted for a War Powers Resolution to protect our national security and prevent the United States from entering an unnecessary war in the Middle East. The Constitution grants Congress the power to declare war. This is a decision that should be made by the people – not one person. 

I am relieved that no American or allied forces were harmed in Iran’s ballistic missile attack targeting U.S. forces in Iraq on Tuesday night, and I strongly condemn Iran’s actions. There is no question that Qassem Soleimani had American blood on his hands, and I agree with the President that his victims deserve justice. However, I am deeply concerned by the Trump Administration’s decision to engage in hostilities in Iran without consulting Congress and without a clear strategy moving forward. Now is the time to pause and take a step back to engage in diplomacy and re-open constructive discussions that will de-escalate tensions in the region. We are stronger when we work together – I urge President Trump to work with Congress to advance a de-escalatory strategy to prevent further violence and protect Americans at home and abroad.

Improving Child and Maternal Care


With my great-niece Lia

In 2018, my family lost my great-niece Lia to Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) before her first birthday. Our loss was felt by the 62 Granite State families who also lost an infant to a sleep-related death, like SUID, between 2011 and 2018. On Wednesday, I shared Lia’s story as my Energy and Commerce Committee colleagues and I spoke with experts to explore how we can prevent unexpected and unexplained deaths among infants and children. Our family will never be the same without our Lia, but I will keep fighting to improve child and maternal care to prevent families from losing a precious young one unexpectedly. Watch my full remarks here

Here for You

As your Congresswoman, one of my biggest responsibilities is supporting Granite Staters when they need help with federal agencies. I was contacted by a constituent from Salem, who had an issue of concern regarding Social Security Disability benefits. My staff worked with the Social Security Administration and helped resolve the constituent’s issue. If my office may be of assistance with a problem you are experiencing, please reach out to my staff at 603-226-1002 so we can learn how we may help. 

Thank you, as always, for all the wonderful contributions you make to New Hampshire. Have a great weekend!
