Catching Up with Annie

Good news: NH environmental protections signed into law

Dear Friend, 

Preserving New Hampshire’s Environment

On Tuesday, I was pleased to see President Trump sign legislation I championed into law that will help to protect our environment in New Hampshire, which is central to our state’s identity and economy. I’m thrilled we’ve been able to redesignate Saint-Gaudens as a National Historical Park to better reflect the expansive nature of the site and help boost local tourism. In addition, the protection of the Nashua River and its tributaries and the permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund will contribute to the long-term protection of our natural resources for future generations to enjoy.

An Unconstitutional Emergency Declaration

It was encouraging to see the Senate pass legislation yesterday to reject President Trump’s politically-motivated and unconstitutional emergency declaration at the southern border. President Trump’s medieval wall represents a waste of valuable resources intended for our military and drug apprehension efforts. We need real, effective reforms to address the challenges we face in our immigration system, not partisan gamesmanship. I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle on 21st century border security and immigration reform that will truly make our country safer.

Making the Mueller Report Public


Speaking about my vote to make the Mueller Report public. Watch here.

Yesterday, I joined my Democratic and Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives in voting to express that the Mueller Report should be made public to the American people and Congress upon its completion. We need more transparency in Washington, DC, and concealing the outcome of the Mueller investigation would be met with outrage by people throughout New Hampshire and the country. This bipartisan vote is a strong signal to the Attorney General that he should make the findings public once the investigation has concluded. 

Increasing Access to Affordable Prescription Drugs

On Wednesday, I expressed my concern about the practice of some pharmaceutical companies inhibiting the rollout of generic versions of prescription drugs. It is outrageous these companies are taking advantage of rules that are meant to keep Americans safe to protect their own profits. We should be doing everything we can to lower the costs of prescription drugs for people in New Hampshire and across the country, and that means getting safe and effective generics to market. I will work with my colleagues to advance legislation that will put patients and individuals first.


At the hearing on prescription drug prices. Watch here

An Irresponsible Budget 

I am deeply disappointed with the budget President Trump proposed on Monday. The President’s dramatic cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency come at a time when we’ve already seen a decline in the enforcement of federal environmental regulations. We’ve seen the impact of water contamination in communities throughout New Hampshire and a reduction in resources for the agency charged with protecting the drinking water of our children and families just doesn’t make sense. 

While I’m encouraged that this proposal includes resources to combat the opioid epidemic, eliminating Medicaid Expansion and reducing access to affordable healthcare will undermine efforts to get individuals suffering from substance use disorder the treatment and support they need. The President has also put forward cuts to Medicare, which provides healthcare services to more than 280,000 Granite Staters. The President should reconsider these draconian cuts that will only hurt those most in need. I will work with my colleagues to develop a responsible budget that puts hardworking Granite State families first.

Here for You 

As your Congresswoman, one of my biggest responsibilities is supporting Granite Staters when they need help with federal agencies. I was contacted by a constituent from Nashua who had an issue of concern regarding a visa application through the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). My staff worked with USCIS and helped resolve the constituent's issue. If my office may be of assistance with a problem you are experiencing, please reach out to my staff at 603-226-1002 so we can learn how we may help.

Thank you, as always, for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to call home. I hope you have a great weekend!
