Catching Up with Annie

Improving the lives of Granite Staters

Dear Friend, 

Each and every day my focus in Congress is how to work to improve the lives of hardworking Granite Staters and their families. From expanding economic opportunity and making sure our veterans have the services they need, to supporting our local farmers and combating the opioid epidemic, there are countless ways we can help those in our communities. But, when it comes to having peace of mind and economic security, access to quality, affordable healthcare is essential. 

That’s why I joined nine of my Democratic House colleagues earlier this week to unveil a five-part plan to improve upon the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The plan, titled Solutions over Politics, seeks to stabilize the individual market while protecting plans for people with pre-existing conditions, lowering costs, and expanding access to health insurance.

With my House colleagues announcing commonsense proposals to improve the ACA

We know the ACA has challenges that need to be addressed to expand access to health insurance and bring down costs, but the Republican proposal in the Senate is not the right answer, and should it come up for a vote in the House, I will oppose it. Under the GOP’s plan, thousands of people in New Hampshire and millions of Americans, including millions of veterans, could lose access to health care. It is my hope that through the proposal my colleagues and I announced this week, we have taken the first steps toward bringing together Democrats and Republicans to find ways to improve the Affordable Care Act and increase access to care for all Americans.

Later in the week, I met with children from the Children's Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock. These children are incredibly powerful advocates. Despite everything they have been through, they are still taking the time to come speak with their elected officials about the importance of Medicaid funding for children's health services in New Hampshire and nationwide. Hearing their stories hammers home the importance that must be placed in finding bipartisan methods to improve the healthcare system in our country.

Meeting with children and advocates from the Children's Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock. 

I also met with advocates from Moms Clean Air Force New Hampshire; a group of parents united in their concern over air pollution. Having clean air to breathe is essential to the overall health of Granite Staters, and I'm grateful to Moms Clean Air Force for fighting to protect our environment and combat climate change. We only have one planet, and I am with them in their efforts. 

Meeting with Moms Clean Air Force moms and kids. I wish all my meetings were this adorable! 

Never hesitate to reach out to me to voice your concerns, ask questions, and let me know what’s on your mind. You can call my Concord office at 603-226-1002 or my Washington, DC office at202-225-5206.

Thank you for everything you do, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
