Catching Up with Annie

Our future depends upon getting this right

Dear Friend,

Applauding Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

It was a challenging week for survivors of sexual assault and countless people across our country. I join people across the nation in applauding Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s courage, grace, and poise during her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday. As a survivor of sexual assault, I know the challenges of coming forward and speaking about such traumatic events. Dr. Ford displayed incredible strength and I believe her testimony should weigh heavily on the decision of the Senators tasked with evaluating the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. We should expect the highest possible moral standard for Supreme Court Nominees. Our future depends upon getting this right. I discuss my assault, Dr. Ford, and the importance of Kavanaugh’s character in an op-ed in USA Today this week. You can read it here

Sharing my story of assault at a press conference with other survivors. Watch here

Honoring Those Who Keep Us Safe

It was great to take part in the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Awards in Concord on Monday night to honor Granite State firefighters and emergency responders who have gone above and beyond the call of duty for their communities. These individuals do so much to keep our state safe, including combating the opioid epidemic, and it is critical that we support them and fight for the resources they need. As the Representative for New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District, I am committed to advocating for all the dedicated men and women who preserve our safety and protect our families. 

At the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Awards

Addressing the Opioid Crisis

Today, I was encouraged that my colleagues and I were able to come together to advance bipartisan comprehensive opioids legislation, the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (H.R. 6). This bill takes steps to address synthetic opioids, which have been a driver of this crisis in our state, and importantly will expand the availability of medication-assisted treatment and authorize physician assistants and nurse practitioners to provide buprenorphine, which is critical for our rural communities. I look forward to continuing to bring together Republicans and Democrats on the Bipartisan Heroin and Opioid Task Force to address this crisis that is impacting communities nationwide. 

Funding Important Priorities for New Hampshire

I voted in favor of a bipartisan appropriations bill on Wednesday that funds important priorities for New Hampshire families, and will help to bolster the response to the opioid epidemic. The legislation prioritizes our men and women in uniform by giving them a well-deserved pay increase. It also provides critical funding to take on the opioid epidemic and expand medical research into chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer. I’ve worked to expand workforce development, apprenticeships and vocational training and I’m pleased that we’ve been able to include resources for the Department of Education. In addition, we were able to provide funding for LIHEAP, which supports the most vulnerable people in our state, and resources to take on military sexual assault by funding a study into the issue of collateral misconduct.  

Bolstering Support for Veterans

On Tuesday, I introduced legislation directing the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to take immediate action to standardize the level of care delivered at the VA’s Community-Based Outpatient Clinics. Particularly in rural areas, community-based outpatient centers (CBOCs) play an important role in delivering care to veterans and the VA must have a complete and accurate understanding of the impact of CBOCs on the veteran community. I also backed the Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Act of 2018 on Tuesday. This legislation will help ensure our country continues to fund and operate programs that are essential to the well-being of rural, homeless, disabled, and female veterans. We must bolster our support for all veterans in New Hampshire and across the country and an important part of that equation is preserving ongoing and effective programs.  

Making Your Voice Heard

Now more than ever, it is so important for you to make your voice heard in our democratic process. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any ideas, questions or concerns you have. I love hearing from you!  As always, thank you for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a great place to call home. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
