Catching Up with Annie

Out and about

Dear Friend,

Hearing from Granite Staters

On Wednesday evening, I held a town hall meeting at the Plymouth Senior Center to discuss my work in Congress and take questions from Granite Staters. I appreciate everyone who took the time to come out and share their perspective with me. The insights of people throughout New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District are critical as I continue working to combat the opioid epidemic, lower the costs of healthcare and prescription drugs, and fight for New Hampshire priorities.

Taking a question at the Plymouth Town Hall

Advocating for New Hampshire

I was pleased to join local business leaders and give remarks at The New England Council's annual breakfast on Tuesday morning. The New England Council is a powerful advocate for New Hampshire and I'll continue working with them to expand economic opportunity for all Granite Staters!

Speaking to the New England Council Breakfast

Combating Climate Change

Yesterday, I met with local environmental and education leaders at NHTI to discuss combating climate change and investing in renewable energy sources. Climate change poses a serious threat to our economy and environment in New Hampshire, and we must act aggressively to reduce carbon pollution so we can curb the most dangerous effects of this global emergency. As a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, I will work with my colleagues to advance policies that will put our country on the path towards a sustainable future that will ensure the wellbeing and prosperity of future generations. There is powerful energy in New Hampshire and across the country to take on this challenge and I look forward to working with our state and national partners to enact the change we desperately need.

At NHTI with Environmental & Education Leaders

Expanding Access to Quality Education

I visited the New England TRIO Day at the Radisson Hotel in Nashua this morning, where I met with students, program staff and higher education officials involved with Upward Bound and Talent Search TRIO Programs in New Hampshire and New England. As a member of the TRIO Caucus, I’m proud to support TRIO funding, which provides services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to help them progress through the academic pipeline. We all benefit when we invest in the education and potential of every person, and I will continue my efforts to strengthen this vital program. 

Raising the Roof with TRIO students

Reducing the Cost of Healthcare

This morning, I went to Southern New Hampshire Medical Center to meet with hospital leadership, tour the facility, and kick off my listening tour of hospitals and community health centers throughout New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District. I’ve heard from many Granite Staters about the need to reduce the costs of healthcare and prescription drugs, and these tours will help me identify policies that I will fight for on the House Energy and Commerce Committee to expand access to quality, affordable medical services. 

Meeting with Southern NH Medical Center Leadership

Sitting Down for WMUR’s CloseUP

It was great to join reporter Adam Sexton for WMUR’s CloseUP on the show’s beautiful new set! We discussed “raising the roof,” the historic number of women in Congress, and my work advocating for Granite State families. Be sure to tune in to CloseUP this Sunday at 10 AM on WMUR!

With WMUR’s Adam Sexton on CloseUP 

Here For You

As your Representative, my most important responsibility is supporting Granite Staters when they need help with federal agencies. I was contacted by David Ackerman of Newport, who had an issue of concern regarding the processing of an authorization for services with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). My staff worked with the VA and helped resolve David’s issue. If my office may be of assistance with a problem you are experiencing, please reach out to my staff at 603-226-1002 so we can learn how we may help.

I’m grateful for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to call home. Thank you again for all your contributions, and I hope you enjoy your weekend!
