Catching Up with Annie

Important matters

Dear Friend,

Last week, I met with state and local leaders at the New Hampshire Medical Society to talk about the funding needs of New Hampshire and those on the frontlines of the opioid epidemic. The opioid crisis is impacting communities across the Granite State and will not be solved without long-term support for those who are dealing with it up-close and in person. Congress took an important step last month in appropriating more than $3 billion in new funding to address substance use disorder. However, more action is required. I recently introduced CARA 2.0, bipartisan legislation that contains nearly $1 billion in funding for treatment and recovery services and would expand access to medically assisted treatment for substance use disorder. I will continue to work with my Republican and Democratic colleagues to advance this legislaton and other proposals that will increase resources and expand prevention, treatment, long-term recovery and law enforcement efforts.

Meeting on funding needs of NH & those on frontlines of opioid epidemic

I condemn in the strongest terms possible the chemical attack by Bashar al-Assad on his own people in Syria. Assad's disregard for human life is a stain on the collective conscience of the world. The coordinated strikes with Britain and France against Assad's assets appear to be a proportional response to his violation of international law. It’s now time for President Trump to come to Congress for an Authorization for the Use of Military Force so that the scope of the United States’ role in Syria and the authority of the President can be clearly defined. The American people deserve an open debate about our role in the Syrian conflict. I’ve heard loud and clear from people in New Hampshire that another large scale ground war in the Middle East is not the answer. I urge President Trump to confer with his military and diplomatic advisors and our allies in the international community to develop a strong response to Assad and his supporters that will bring a close to this crisis without further bloodshed.

The reports that President Trump is considering ending the investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russan interference in the 2016 election are deeply disturbing. I support legislation to protect Mueller from wrongful termination and last Wednesday I called on House leadership to bring this bill to the floor for a vote. The American people deserve to have certainty in the integrity of our institutions and the rule of law, and that means letting the investigation be seen through to its conclusion. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact my Concord office at 603-226-1002 or my Washington, DC office at 202-225-5206 if you have any questions, concerns or ideas you wish to share with me. Thank you for everything you do to make our state such a wonderful place to call home, and I hope you have a great week! 
