Catching Up with Annie

Helping communities curb the opioid crisis

Dear Friend,

Combating Youth Substance Use 

On Monday, I joined Senator Shaheen, Senator Hassan and Congressman Chris Pappas at the Souhegan Valley Boys and Girls Club in Milford, where we sat down with the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) director Jim Carroll and students, school administrators and youth advocates to discuss youth substance use prevention. We must take every step possible to increase funding to fight the opioid epidemic. Last week, I was proud to introduce Senator Shaheen’s Turn the Tide Act in the House to provide flexible funding to help communities in the Granite State and across the nation curb this crisis.


With Senator Shaheen & Senator Hassan at the Boys & Girls Club. Read more here.

Limiting Exposure to PFAS Chemicals

I’m proud of New Hampshire for taking some of the boldest steps to date to turn off the tap for PFAS by imposing strict new limits on PFAS chemicals in our state’s water supply. These chemicals threaten the health of New Hampshire families, and I am glad to see such an important step in protecting our communities and ensuring everyone has access to safe drinking water. This progress is great news, but there is still work ahead. I will continue my work on the Bipartisan PFAS Task Force to pursue commonsense solutions to keep these harmful chemicals out of communities nationwide.

Empowering Local Businesses

On Wednesday, I visited Associated Grocers – New England (AGNE) in Pembroke, which serves independent grocery and convenience stores in the Northeast. It was great to see their facility and hear more about their work. Local businesses like AGNE play a critical role in the productivity of our state and national economy, and it is imperative that we support them. I’ll continue my efforts to empower businesses in New Hampshire and across the country.


At Associated Grocers - New England

Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

I enjoyed taking part in the ribbon cutting yesterday for Nashua’s two new hybrid buses and witnessing Nashua’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint. We are already seeing the effects of climate change on our environment, and if we don’t act now, future generations will pay the price. I applaud the City of Nashua for its commitment to reducing carbon emissions by providing environmentally-friendly transportation options. I was happy to write a letter of support to help secure the funding for these buses, and I will continue to advocate for programs and policies that will help us combat climate change and save our planet. 


At the Ribbon Cutting for the Nashua Hybrid Buses

Protecting Access to Quality Health Care

Yesterday, I visited Lamprey Health Care, as part of my health care listening tour across the Second District. Americans nationwide depend on community health centers like Lamprey for care, but there have been challenges in securing the long-term funding necessary to ensure these facilities can continue to serve their communities. I’ll keep working to secure funding for centers like Lamprey so Granite Staters and people nationwide can continue to receive the health care they need. 


At Lamprey Health Care Center. Read more here.

Marking 100 Years Since New Hampshire Ratified the 19th Amendment

On September 10, the Granite State celebrated 100 years since ratifying the 19th Amendment. A century later, we celebrate the tireless work of suffragettes and supporters who were critical to its success. I am reminded of my great-grandmother, Susan Bancroft. A lifelong suffragist and champion of the underserved, my great-grandmother’s steadfast devotion to a woman’s right to vote was instrumental in our state’s passage.


Susan Cushing Wood Bancroft

Applying for a Military Academy Nomination

If you are interested in attending one of the military service academies, the deadline for residents of New Hampshire’s second district to apply for a military academy nomination is next Friday. Application materials must be received in person at my Concord office or by mail by October 11th. For more information, visit my website

Here for You

As your Representative, my most important responsibility is assisting Granite Staters when they need help with federal agencies. I was contacted by Hiren of Littleton, who had an issue of concern regarding the Department of Defense and United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). My staff worked with USCIS and helped resolve Hiren’s situation. If my office may help with a problem you are experiencing, please reach out to my staff at 603-226-1002. 

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office with any questions, concerns, or ideas you have – I love hearing from you! Thank you for the wonderful contributions you make to our great state. I hope you enjoy your weekend!
