Catching Up with Annie

The spirit of the holiday season

Dear Friends, 

Winter is beautiful here in New Hampshire, and despite the cold, it is absolutely one of my favorite seasons. The holidays are an important time for personal reflection. Each year we face challenges and opportunities, and as we look forward to the promise of the New Year, we can all aspire to build on what we have learned in the past.

I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to represent New Hampshire’s Second District in Congress. I do so once again with a renewed focus on how we can work together to improve the lives of people in our state and around the country. We face real challenges as a nation, but if we look past our differences and commit to our shared values there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

As we gather with family, friends, and loved ones for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or simply to share the love and warmth of the season, I hope we can all find faith in one another. In a year that has tested our resolve to stand as one people, the spirit of the holiday season should remind us that there is more that binds us together than drives us apart.

It’s important to remember that for some, the holidays can be an especially lonely time. Take this opportunity to call an old friend, visit a neighbor, and volunteer to help those in our communities who are in need.

We can also never forget the incredible sacrifices of our men and women in uniform. Thousands of our brave service members spend the holidays far from their families and loved ones in distant lands to ensure our safety. To all the members of our Armed Forces and their families, I extend my most sincere and humble thanks for your commitment and service to our nation.

From my family to yours, I wish you the very best this holiday season and a joyous New Year!
