Catching Up with Annie

Marching Forward

Dear Friends,

It’s been a very busy and historic few weeks both at home in the Granite State, and throughout the entire country. The peaceful transition of power from each presidential administration is a pillar of our democracy, and regardless of what party you belong to, it is important to try and find areas of common ground where policies can be advanced to benefit hardworking American families. I am ready to get to work with the new administration to focus on the needs of Granite Staters and for the United States as a whole. 

However, there are many areas where I have deep concerns about the proposals and rhetoric of President Trump. In the days since President Trump was sworn in, I have been proud to stand in solidarity with hundreds of thousands of Americans to use one united voice to denounce the politics of division and hate. Attending the Women’s March in Washington was an incredibly important and powerful experience. It’s up to all of us across the nation to send a clear message that we demand a society built on the values of inclusivity and acceptance. We demand that women are paid the same as men and have full reproductive rights, that every American has access to quality, affordable healthcare, that all our children receive a quality education, that our environment is protected for future generations, and we demand policies that benefit the many, not the few.

Attending the Women's March on Washington and a rally at the Supreme Court with friends, family, and colleagues from across the country! 

I have heard from many Granite Staters who are concerned about the President’s executive order barring travel to the United States to citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries, including refugees. I am committed to continuing my work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to welcome those from around the world while also protecting our national security, and I will continue to be a strong proponent of fair immigration policy. America has always been a beacon of hope for those around the world suffering from violence and oppression, and we can’t allow that to change now. As I said during my remarks at this week's New England Council breakfast, "I want to keep our country safe, but I am very confident that we can do that in a compassionate and understanding way."

I have been very encouraged by the collective resolve of the many people all over the country who have been standing up for what they believe. We should all strive to create an America where everyone has a place at the table: women, people of color, people of all faiths, members of the LGBTQ community, people with disabilities, survivors of sexual assault, veterans, hard-working Granite State families, seniors, and the countless others who have felt marginalized. 

I’m proud of the thousands of Granite Staters both in Washington and in New Hampshire who continue to fight to defend the values they hold dear. Though we may face challenges, our shared determination will allow us to overcome any hurdle. 
