Catching Up with Annie

Shattering the Silence

Dear Friends,

Last week on Capitol Hill, I had an amazing discussion with four remarkable and courageous young women: Chessy Prout, Delaney Henderson, Julia Dixon, and Angela Rose. Each of us has a different life story, but one thing we all share is that we are survivors of sexual assault. 

You can watch the panel here.

From left to right: Angela Rose, Delaney Henderson, Congresswoman Kuster, Chessy Prout, Julia Dixon

With more than 100 guests, we talked about our journeys and advocacy and how, through a national dialogue, education, and legislative action, we can shatter the silence and change the culture around sexual assault to end sexual violence. 

Silence can be devastating. I was silent about my experiences with sexual assault for decades. I didn’t tell a soul, including members of my family, until last summer, when I joined my colleagues in the House of Representatives and shared what had happened to me with the country. Telling my story was not easy, but my colleagues and I wanted to demonstrate to other survivors that they are not alone. 

Great group at our panel discussion!

I’m in awe at the incredible strength of Chessy, Delaney, Julia, and Angela, who so bravely shared their experiences. They make clear that we must come together, not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans, and foster a system that educates communities about sexual violence, supports survivors, and holds perpetrators accountable. In the near future, I’ll be announcing the formation of a bipartisan task force focused on addressing this challenging issue. I hope you’ll join me in this effort by sharing your ideas, and of course, being there for those in your life who have faced this struggle. 
