Catching Up with Annie

This fight's not over

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, House Republicans jammed through misguided legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act. I, along with all of my Democratic colleagues, voted against the American Health Care Act (AHCA), which passed the House 217-213, because it threatens access to healthcare for thousands of hardworking New Hampshire families and millions of Americans. The legislation will remove protections for those with pre-existing conditions, increase costs for seven million veterans and Americans over 50 years old, and jeopardize our response to the opioid epidemic. Simply put, this legislation is wrong for New Hampshire, and it's wrong for America.

Speaking out against the AHCA on the House floor this week.

I am extremely disappointed that my colleagues were so steadfast in their determination to appease the most extreme elements of their party that they chose to disregard the voices of their constituents. I have consistently expressed my willingness to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to improve our healthcare system for all Americans, but forcing members to vote on this misguided legislation without knowing all the information about its negative impacts is simply not the answer. I hope that as the seriously damaging elements of this bill become more clear, the Senate will unite in bipartisan opposition to the current version of the AHCA.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to call my office and express your opposition to this bill. Be assured that I'll continue to fight on your behalf and on behalf of all Granite Staters.
