Catching Up with Annie

Join me at Pope Francis’ Historic Address to Congress

Hello, everyone! I’m pleased to announce that on September 24th, 2015, Pope Francis will deliver the first-ever address by a leader of the Holy See to a joint meeting of Congress –  and my office will be offering a limited number of tickets to residents of New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District to attend this historic event!

My office will be able to offer a limited number of tickets to Granite State constituents, which will be awarded via lottery. Individuals who are awarded these tickets will get the opportunity to watch a simulcast of the Pope’s address from the Capitol’s West Lawn.

Additionally, our office has one ticket – which will also be awarded via lottery – for an individual to watch the Pope’s address from a seat inside the House gallery. I look forward to sharing this momentous event with one of my fellow Granite Staters!

If you would like to participate in this lottery, please enter your information here by Friday, August 21st. Lottery winners will be notified no later than Friday, September 4th.

Please note that ticket holders to the simulcast viewing will be responsible for covering their own trip expenses. Should a lottery winner be unable to attend, the ticket will be reallocated to lottery entrants on the waitlist. If you have any questions regarding tickets, the lottery, or how to enter, please contact my DC office at 202-225-5206 and one of my staffers will be happy to provide you with additional guidance.

Thanks so much, and good luck in the lottery! I look forward to seeing some of you in Washington next month, as we take part in this historic occasion!