Catching Up with Annie

I’m here to help

Hello, everyone!

I hope that you have been enjoying the recent spring-like weather here in the Granite State! I’m writing to share with you a few brief examples of what I’ve been doing recently to assist Granite Staters like you.

As your Representative in Congress, I stand ready to help should you encounter any problems related to a federal government service. I often hear from constituents seeking assistance with a federal agency, whether it is the VA, the IRS, the Social Security Administration, or others. It can be hard to know exactly how to move forward in these situations, but my office is here to help you access the services you deserve.

Accessing Your Military Records and Benefits

This winter, I was contacted by William Kaslow of Salem, who served in the Navy during the Vietnam War and earned a number of medals for his exceptional service to our country. Mr. Kaslow requested my assistance in obtaining a copy of his military separation documents and replacement medals for those earned during his tour of duty, which had been lost over the years. In working with the National Personnel Records Center and the U.S. Navy, my office was able to fulfill Mr. Kaslow’s request by providing him with a copy of his separation records and replacement medals that he and his family will be able to cherish for years to come.

Getting Covered on the Marketplace

Recently, I was contacted by David Canter of Berlin who was seeking assistance with insurance enrollment in the Marketplace. After an inquiry was made by my office to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Mr. Canter and his wife were able to successfully enroll in a new Marketplace plan.

Receiving Social Security Benefits

Are you or a loved one having difficulty with the Social Security Administration? My office might be able to help, as we did with Bob Tyrrell of Nashua. Mr. Tyrrell was not receiving the full payments awarded to him by the Social Security Administration (SSA). After my office placed an inquiry to the SSA, Mr. Tyrrell’s monthly payments were successfully increased and restored to the proper amount.

These are just a few examples of how I can help. Since I took office, I have been proud to assist constituents from across New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District who have requested help with a federal agency. If you are having an issue with a federal agency, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of my three New Hampshire offices – we stand ready to assist you!

Thank you for all you do to make New Hampshire such a great place to live. I hope you have a great week! 
