Catching Up with Annie

Granite Staters Going for the Gold!

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all had a great long weekend.  I spent last week in Washington, working for Granite State priorities.  

NH Athletes Competing in Sochi, Russia

New Hampshire has the second most Olympians per capita of any state in country at the 2014 Games, with 13 athletes competing and one athlete per every 146,000 Granite Staters. Team USA is a talented group of athletes who work hard to represent our nation in the global community and it has been a pleasure to watch them go for the gold throughout the Sochi Games. I am so proud of our native Olympians and wish them luck as the Olympics Games continue! (You can learn more about New Hampshire’s Olympians here).

Join me for a Career and Opportunities Fair in Concord!

I am hosting a Career and Opportunities Fair this month to help connect local residents with jobs and employment opportunities throughout the Granite State. The event will be held from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on Thursday, February 20th, at the Holiday Inn at 172 N. Main St. in Concord.  It will feature employers from the manufacturing, recreation, energy, transportation, and health care industries, among others.

My top priority in Congress is helping create jobs and opportunity for New Hampshire’s middle class families. That’s what this job fair is all about – connecting local job seekers with a wide variety of New Hampshire employers who are looking to grow their businesses and hire new workers. Job seekers wishing to attend the Career and Opportunities Fair can register here.

 Honoring New Hampshire’s Hard Working Citizens

Last Monday morning, I took a tour of the Nashua UPS facility and recognized long-time UPS delivery workers for their exemplary history of service and safe driving records. The tour was hosted by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. After the tour, I joined UPS driver Kathy Kamer on her delivery route, and helped deliver packages to Nashua residents. UPS drivers have the unique opportunity of interacting directly with members of their community on a daily basis, and I had a great time catching up with Nashua residents.

Helping Granite Staters

I was recently contacted by Lenis Bartlett of Goshen about a number of medals her father had earned in World War II that had been missing for many years.  Her father, Sergeant Howard Bartlett, fought courageously and received many decorations, including a Purple Heart, a Bronze Star, a Good Conduct Medal, a European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with 1 Silver Service Star, a World War II Victory Medal, a Combat Infantryman Badge 1st Award, and an Honorable Service Lapel Button.  All of these medals had been missing since Sergeant Bartlett passed away and my staff was able to retrieve them and return them to Lenis.  If my office may ever be of assistance with a problem you are facing, please contact my staff at 603-226-1002 so we may help you resolve your problem or get you the information you need. 

Have a fantastic week and thanks for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a great place to live!