Catching Up with Annie

Welcoming a Manufacturing Expert from Windham

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all had a terrific weekend.  I spent last week pushing for veteran-owned small businesses and fighting for Granite State workers.  

The Manufacturing Renaissance: “Reshoring” Middle Class Jobs in America

On Thursday, I had the pleasure of introducing Windham resident Shirley Mills at a Small Business Subcommittee hearing, where Mills testified on the importance of American-made manufacturing.  Shirley is a business analyst at the Boston Company who has done extensive research on how American-made manufacturing can strengthen our economy. During her testimony, she highlighted companies’ efforts to bring manufacturing jobs back from overseas, a practice commonly referred to as “reshoring.” She argued that bringing these jobs back home is not only a smart financial move for American companies, but it will also support badly needed job creation across the United States.

By supporting New Hampshire companies that are bringing jobs home from overseas, we can continue to grow our manufacturing sector and create good, middle class jobs for years to come.  At Thursday’s hearing, I was thrilled to introduce Ms. Mills, whose clear research demonstrates how American-made manufacturing can strengthen New Hampshire businesses and improve America’s economy overall.

Ms. Mills highlighted how the “clustering” of industrial infrastructure can encourage manufacturers to bring jobs back to the United States.  In an effort to support clustering and improve the competitiveness of American manufacturing, I am a cosponsor of the Revitalize American Manufacturing and Innovation Act, bipartisan legislation to authorize a network of centers of manufacturing innovation.

Celebrating Agriculture in New Hampshire

On Thursday, the House Committee on Agriculture unanimously passed H. Con. Res. 86, a resolution celebrating the centennial of the founding of the Cooperative Extension System.  The Cooperative Extension System was established by the Smith-Lever Act of 1914 in order to bring the expertise of land-grant universities out to rural farmers in their own communities.  In New Hampshire, the Cooperative Extension is administered by the University of New Hampshire, and provides field specialists to all 10 New Hampshire counties. 

I was proud to join Republicans and Democrats on the Agriculture Committee to pass a resolution celebrating the 100th anniversary of this great program, which ensures that our farmers and rural communities have access to locally-tailored, practical information from land-grant universities.  The on-the-ground expertise provided by Cooperative Extension specialists is instrumental in helping our local farmers succeed, and I am committed to supporting this program.

Pushing for NH Veterans

At a Veterans’ Affairs Hearing on Thursday, I followed up on my recent conversation with VA Secretary Eric Shinseki and asked him about how the VA plans to meet the growing need for mental health and other services for survivors of sexual assault in the military.  The hearing addressed the Department of Veterans Affairs budget request for fiscal year 2015, with emphasis on access to mental health care.  Sexual assault continues to plague our military and leave lasting wounds on many of the brave men and women who serve our country.  Last year, I was proud to partner with Congresswoman Jackie Walorski (IN-02) to pass improved protections for individuals who blow the whistle on these crimes.

I also followed up on my earlier discussion with Secretary Shinseki on procurement wait times at the National Acquisition Center (NAC) and the huge delays in procuring high-tech medical imaging devices.  I recently sent him a letter regarding Gamma Medica, a medical device company in Salem, NH that produces bone density imaging devices that help with the early detection of breast cancer.  Many VA health facilities in the New England region have requested this life saving device but because of over 2-year long delays at the NAC many veterans seeking early breast cancer detection are not receiving the treatment they need. 

Helping Granite Staters

In January, I was contacted by a constituent about an issue with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  Helen Brody is the President of New Hampshire Farms Network, an organization devoted to connecting small farms across the Granite State with one another in order to share information and expertise.  Helen had encountered delays in NH Farms Network’s application for 501(c)(3) tax exempt status and requested help from my office in expediting the process.  My staff was able to work with Helen and the IRS to resolve the issue and in the first week of March, the request was approved!  If my office may ever be of assistance with a problem you are facing, please contact my staff at 603-226-1002 so we may help you resolve your problem or get you the information you need. 

Have a fantastic week and thanks for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a great place to live!