Catching Up with Annie

Welcoming the Assistant Secretary of Defense to the Granite State

Washington, D.C., September 30, 2014

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. Last week, I helped welcome Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs Richard Wightman at the Manchester National Guard Armory. I also stopped by Cirtronics, a successful electronics manufacturer in Milford, to discuss ways to support advanced manufacturing in New Hampshire. I recently urged Speaker John Boehner to work with both parties to reauthorize the Highway Trust Fund to save projects like the Sewalls Falls Bridge in Concord. On Wednesday, I hosted a senior forum at Silverthorne Adult Medical Day Center to hear directly from seniors about the importance of Social Security and Medicare, and other issues facing Granite State seniors.

Discussing an Exceptional NH Program with Assistant Secretary Wightman

I was thrilled to join Assistant Defense Secretary Richard Wightman, Senator Kelly Ayotte, and Adjutant General William Reddel for a meeting at the NH National Guard Armory in Manchester. Our men and women in uniform serve and sacrifice so much to keep our country safe. We must ensure they have the care and services they have earned.

Visiting a Great Manufacturer in Milford

Last Monday, I had a terrific visit to Cirtronics in Milford. It is an example of New Hampshire’s manufacturing industry and growing high-tech, export economy. I am proud of their success and applaud their ongoing commitment to their employees and the community.

Fighting for the Sewalls Falls Bridge

I called on Speaker John Boehner to work with both parties to pass a long-term reauthorization of the Highway Trust Fund before the end of this year. The Highway Trust Fund provides crucial funding for road and bridge projects like the Sewalls Falls Bridge and the I-93 expansion, and nearly ran out of money this summer before Congress acted at the last-minute with a short-term funding patch. I urged the Speaker to work with Republicans and Democrats to craft a common sense, long-term bill so that we can continue rebuilding our transportation infrastructure, protecting the public safety, and helping to create good jobs for Granite Staters (Read more here).

Chatting with Seniors in Salem

It was wonderful to visit and chat with seniors on Wednesday at the Silverthorne Adult Medical Day Center in Salem. I was so happy to see our seniors receiving the high quality care and social engagement they deserve, all while continuing to live at home. This type of care is so important to our seniors, their families, and our communities. We had the chance to discuss the importance of standing up to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare, as well as other issues facing New Hampshire seniors.

Helping Granite Staters

Recently, I was contacted by a constituent named Janice Ebner from Wilton, who was injured on the job. While she was receiving her earned workers compensation benefit, she errantly received a one-time payment from her retirement annuity, which caused her worker’s compensation benefits to be considered overpaid by more than $23,000. Despite repeated attempts to repay the incorrect retirement annuity and remedy the situation, she was unable to communicate the mistake to and between agencies. Despite a long process, our office was able to correct the misunderstanding, and Ms. Ebner no longer has that burden weighing on her and her family. If my office may ever be of assistance with a problem you are facing, please contact my staff at 603-226-1002 so we may help you resolve your problem or get you the information you need. 

Thanks for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to live!