Catching Up with Annie

Honoring Granite State Veterans

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. This morning, I spoke at the Salute our Soldiers breakfast to honor Easter Seals NH and Veterans Count for their work on behalf of NH veterans and their families. Last week, I was so excited to hear about Nashua Community College’s plans to open their Advanced Manufacturing by Innovation and Design program next year – I was proud to advocate for NCC’s grant application earlier this year.

Supporting NH Veterans and Military Families

I was honored to speak at the Salute Our Soldiers Breakfast this morning to thank Easter Seals NH and Veterans Count for everything they do for veterans, servicemen and women, and their families around the Granite State. The courageous men and women who serve in our nation’s Armed Forces make grave sacrifices to protect our freedom and we must ensure they get the benefits and services they deserve. Easter Seals provides employment counseling, mental health services, and other crucial programs to Granite State veterans and their families. Thank you for everything you do!

Nashua Community College Leading the Way on Advanced Manufacturing

Last week, I was thrilled to learn more about the development of Nashua Community College’s Advanced Manufacturing by Innovation and Design program! This new program, in partnership with Southern New Hampshire University’s College for America, will provide our students the advanced training and experience they need to succeed in today’s market. After proudly advocating for NCC’s grant application, I look forward to seeing the program’s opening in 2015! (Read more here)

Helping Granite Staters

Recently, I was contacted by the New Hampshire Commission on Human Rights regarding an improper garnishment of federal funds paid to the Commission. Due to misunderstandings at both the state and federal level, the Commission had $51,483.36 intercepted. My staff was able to work with the U.S. Treasury and the Governor’s office to retrieve these funds, so that the Commission can continue working to fulfill its mission of eliminating illegal discrimination and engaging in research and education programs designed to promote good will in the Granite State. If my office may ever be of assistance with a problem you are facing, please contact my staff at 603-226-1002 so we may help you resolve your problem or get you the information you need. 

Thanks for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a unique place to live!