Catching Up with Annie

Returning Long Lost Service Medals to a NH Hero

I hope you are all having a terrific week! I’m writing to give you a quick update on my visits and events around the Second District.  Last week, I had the honor of helping present a veteran from Nashua with service medals he earned while serving in the Korean War.  I also hosted my sixth Jobs Fair in Plymouth, met with business leaders in Lebanon, and discussed renewable energy at the Peterborough Solar Array.

Honoring a Granite State Veteran

I was honored to join Representative Joe Courtney of Connecticut in presenting John Ekenbarger of Nashua with medals earned during his service in the Korean War.  Mr. Ekenbarger served as an Anti-aircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Crewman in the 2nd Infantry Division, U.S. Army.

Mr. Ekenbarger served his country heroically during the Korean War and faced extreme danger as a POW in order to fight for the ideals we all hold dear.  I was so proud to have the opportunity to honor Mr. Ekenbarger and his family during the medal ceremony, and to thank him for all he has done for his nation, his community, and his loved ones.  He is a true hero. (Read more about the ceremony here)

Holding my Sixth Jobs Fair in Plymouth!

Supporting economic growth and creating more opportunity for Granite State families is one of my top priorities in Congress.  That’s why I’m proud to host a series of job fairs, which gives me a chance to help connect job seekers with employers all across the Granite State.  Thursday’s jobs fair in Plymouth was my sixth since taking office, and it was truly gratifying to see so many local residents taking advantage of the fair and meeting with potential employers.

The fair was held at the Flying Monkey in downtown Plymouth, and featured employers from the hospitality, tourism, and recreation industries, among others.  Thank you to everyone who attended! (Read more here)

Hearing from Entrepreneurs at Dartmouth

At the Dartmouth Regional Technical Center in Lebanon, I convened a group of local small business owners, students, and professors for a roundtable discussion on how Congress can best support innovation and job creation in New Hampshire.  I’m committed to helping small businesses grow and succeed in the Granite State, and at this meeting I heard directly from New Hampshire entrepreneurs and experts about ways to support them on the federal level.

Congress must work together to help create an environment that allows our small businesses to thrive.  I sincerely thank the participants for sharing their thoughts and ideas with me, and I look forward to continuing to fight for entrepreneurs in Washington.

Highlighting Renewable Energy in Peterborough

I was excited to visit the Peterborough Solar Array, where I held a roundtable discussion on efforts to expand New Hampshire’s leadership role in the renewable energy sector.  As a strong advocate for creating more jobs and opportunity in the Granite State, it was helpful to hear from local stakeholders about how Congress can support New Hampshire’s growing renewables industry on the federal level.

The growing renewable energy industry here in New Hampshire is expanding opportunity for our workers.  We must work together to address rising energy costs, and investing in the renewable sector is a great place to start.  I will continue working with community leaders to expand our growing role in the development of renewables. (Read more here)

Thank you for everything you do to make the Granite State such a unique place to live.