Catching Up with Annie

Hearing Directly from Constituents around NH

I hope you are all staying safe and cozy during the never-ending winter weather! Over the last few days, I have continued to hear directly from constituents from all over the 2nd District. From Social Security and Medicare, to student loan debt and college affordability, to home heating assistance, I have discussed many of the challenges facing Granite Staters across the district as well as ways to address these issues in Congress.

Discussing College Affordability with Students at Keene State

Last Thursday, I was pleased to hear from students and faculty at a town hall forum on education issues I hosted at Keene State. I’ll never stop fighting to increase access to higher education for every Granite State student, and this town hall gave me a chance to hear directly from students in Keene about what they believe Congress should be doing to expand higher education opportunities in New Hampshire. Thanks so much for everyone who came out and joined this great discussion! (Read more about my students town hall here)

Hearing from Seniors in Nashua

I was also glad to hold a seniors town hall at the Nashua Senior Activity Center, which gave me a chance to hear from local seniors about how I can best continue to advocate for their needs at the federal level. Seniors from across the Nashua area were invited to attend the town hall to share their thoughts and concerns. I’ve long fought to protect the programs our seniors care about, like Medicare and Social Security, and during this town hall I heard from seniors on a variety of topics including protecting these programs, increasing access to affordable housing, and improving transportation options for seniors. I look forward to taking these thoughts and concerns back to Washington, where I will continue to fight for the priorities that matter to Granite State seniors. (Read more about my seniors town hall here)

Meeting with North Country Veterans

On Friday, I sat down with local veterans at the Berlin Vet Center to discuss issues facing veterans in the North Country and throughout the state. During the roundtable, participants provided me with their input on ways to improve access to veterans’ health care in the North Country, and help ease the transition back to civilian life for veterans all across the nation. I look forward to bringing our conversation to Washington as I continue to defend and support the needs of our courageous veterans.

Working to Keep Families Warm in the Granite State

As the cold winter months continue in the Granite State, I hosted a roundtable discussion at Community Crossroads in Atkinson to highlight the importance of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for families in New Hampshire. I’ve long fought against cuts to this vital program, and I was glad to hear firsthand from both LIHEAP providers and recipients about how this critical program is working to help keep Granite Staters warm. I will continue to work across the aisle to maintain adequate funding for this vital program, and I urge all Members of Congress to join me in the effort to keep low-income families safe during the freezing winter months. (Read more about this roundtable here)

Speaking to NH Business Leaders

I was glad to speak about the need for both parties in Congress to work together to support job creation and economic growth during a breakfast with local business leaders hosted by the New England Council. Helping create new jobs and opportunities for Granite State workers is one of my top priorities in Congress, and I’ve been delighted to get a chance to visit businesses all across the Granite State to see how they’re contributing to our economy and helping create more jobs for our workers. I have been focused on bringing the New Hampshire approach to Washington, and will continue my efforts to end the gridlock on Capitol Hill so Members of Congress – Republicans, Democrats, and Independents – can all work together to move our country forward.

Thanks for everything you do to make the Granite State such a terrific place to live!