Catching Up with Annie

We must keep fighting

Dear Friend, 

You know as well as I do that inclusivity and diversity make this country stronger, not weaker. That’s why I’m deeply disappointed by President Trump’s decision to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which allows people brought to the United States as children to work legally and live without fear of deportation. The young people protected by DACA are contributing to our nation in countless ways: they are serving in our military, paying taxes, and helping to create jobs. This ill-advised decision is nothing more than political pandering that will hurt real people and families, as well as our economy. I will continue working with members of Congress from both sides of the aisle to reform our broken immigration system and provide protections to Dreamers across the country, including the hundreds in New Hampshire.

You can watch me discussing my hope that Congress will protect Dreamers by clicking here

Congress must also do everything it can to combat sexual violence—a persistent problem in our society—and protect survivors, which is why I founded the Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence in April. Sadly, we faced a setback this week when Education Secretary Betsy DeVos stated the Department of Education would review and develop new guidance for Title IX, which guarantees women the right to learn in an educational environment free from discrimination and sexual violence. 

Secretary DeVos’s decision creates uncertainty for college communities and endangers students. Sexual assault is a scourge on campuses across the country, and we must fight misguided efforts to threaten protections for sexual assault survivors. While the Department completes this review, the existing guidance remains in place. Students and their families should know that any form of sexual violence is still a violation of Title IX, and colleges are required by law to remedy it. I want every survivor of sexual violence to know – whether they choose to remain in the shadows or share their story – that I believe them and they are not alone. I will continue to advocate on behalf of survivors and fight any proposal that makes it more difficult for them to obtain justice. 

While this week had its stumbling blocks, I remain positive and hopeful about the future of New Hampshire and our nation, and that is because of people like you. I’ve received many calls over the last few days from people in my district who want to protect Dreamers and fight the end of DACA. The passion people like you have for making life better for Granite Staters is what drives me every day, and rest assured I will never stop fighting for you. 

Have a great weekend! 
