Catching Up with Annie

Coming Together

Dear Friend, 

The tragic events that took place in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend have shaken us as a nation and are a stark reminder that, sadly, a few loud voices preaching hate and division can command the national spotlight. I’ve been heartened by the countless individuals who have banded together to say that these white-supremacists, neo-Nazis and domestic terrorists do not represent the America we know and love. The United States benefits from its rich diversity and these acts of hate and violence went against the core values of our nation. There is no place for the racism, anti-Semitism, misogyny, or violence espoused by white-nationalists, and as a nation we need to come together in one loud voice to condemn their hateful rhetoric.  

We have a long way to go to heal the wounds of our dark history of enslavement and racial intolerance but I’ve been encouraged by the scenes of love and unity that have emerged in the wake of this tragedy. Across New Hampshire, the nation, and powerfully on the campus of the University of Virginia, men and women from across the political spectrum and of every race and creed stood together to peacefully defend our nation from the dark and sick ideology that seeks to divide us. We should in one loud voice reject President Trump’s shameful response to the events in Charlottesville, and declare that America deserves better. Today's removal of Steve Bannon as chief strategist is encouraging, but it is not enough. That's why I'm calling on my colleagues, Republican and Democrat, to join me and support censure against President Trump for his Charlottesville remarks.

Wednesday night's peaceful rally at University of Virginia to reject hate and division