Catching Up with Annie

Working together for solutions

This week, President Trump issued two executive orders that will undermine the Affordable Care Act and jeopardize access to healthcare for thousands of people in New Hampshire. These deliberate efforts by President Trump to destroy the ACA are going to have devastating consequences for real people and families in New Hampshire and across the country. Ending cost-sharing reduction payments will spike premiums at a time when we should be working to reduce costs and expand access to care. There is support among both Republicans and Democrats for continuing these payments and for measures such as reinsurance programs that would help to stabilize the individual marketplace and rein in costs, but President Trump is hell-bent on undermining, not fixing the ACA. 

Sadly, President Trump's damaging executive orders will make working together across the aisle to improve our healthcare system all the more difficult. Please be assured that I will continue to stand up against President Trump’s misguided decisions on healthcare and work with my colleagues to identify ways to improve the Affordable Care Act. 

The decision by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to rescind critical Title IX protections for survivors of sexual violence on college campuses is deeply concerning and will endanger students. That’s why I took part in a press conference yesterday with House colleagues to support the introduction of Congresswoman Jackie Speier’s Title IX Protection Act. Sexual violence is a serious challenge for campuses, with nearly one in four women and one in twenty men being sexually assaulted while in college. 

Announcing my support of the Title IX Protection Act yesterday

In the past, both Republican and Democratic administrations approached this issue with the utmost seriousness, instructing college and university campuses to use preponderance of evidence when adjudicating sexual assault cases. Secretary DeVos’s decision tips the scales against survivors of sexual assault on campuses and protects perpetrators, endangering all students on campus. Congresswoman Speier’s legislation ensures due process for all students involved in campus sexual violence disciplinary proceedings while ensuring survivors are treated in a trauma informed manner. This bill is an important first step towards protecting students, and I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to find ways to eradicate sexual violence on campuses and in our society in general. 

Yesterday, the House advanced legislation to provide emergency disaster funding to support people in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Texas, California and Florida who are struggling after recent hurricanes and ongoing wildfires. America is strongest when we stand with one another, and the message we sent is that we will be there for our friends and neighbors when they face hardship. I’m pleased the House was able to work together across the aisle to take an important step toward supporting our fellow Americans in their time of need. I’m hopeful the Senate will act swiftly on this legislation to get these desperately needed resources out the door as quickly as possible. 

As always, I want to hear from you. Your voice is critical to informing my work. Please contact my office at 603-226-1002 or visit my website, to share your thoughts and ideas. 
