Catching Up with Annie

Adventures in the North Country

I hope you are all having a terrific week. Last week, I had the opportunity to tour businesses and meet with folks all over New Hampshire’s beautiful North Country. On Monday, I visited Codet, Inc. in Colebrook and then headed north to stop by Wounded Warriors @ 45 North in Pittsburg. On Tuesday, I toured the Notre Dame Senior Housing facility in Berlin, held a roundtable discussion on tourism at the AMC Highland Center in Bretton Woods, and visited the legendary Cog Railway. The weather was gorgeous and it was fantastic to see so many exciting things happening above the notches.

Day 1: Visits to Codet and Wounded Warriors @ 45 North

The first stop on my North Country tour was a visit to protective clothing manufacturer Codet, Inc. in Colebrook to discuss my efforts to support job creation and the manufacturing economy in New Hampshire. As a firm believer in “making it in America,” we must support businesses like these that employ workers at home in New Hampshire, instead of sending jobs overseas. I look forward to helping companies like Codet and others continue to bring jobs back home for Granite State workers.

After spending some time in Colebrook, I headed north to stop in at Wounded Warriors @ 45 North in Pittsburg, where I heard from North Country veterans about some of the issues they are facing. I was proud to fight for Community-Based VA Outpatient Clinics in Colebrook and Berlin, which will benefit North Country veterans who previously had to drive long distances for quality health care. The comprehensive veterans legislation that became law last week, and which I cosponsored, will also improve access to care for veterans in the North Country. As a Member of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee, I have long pushed for the reforms contained in this important legislation. 

Day 2: Biomass Tour in Berlin, Tourism Roundtable in Bretton Woods, and Visit to the Cog Railway

On Tuesday morning, I had a great tour of the Model Neighborhood Project at Notre Dame Senior Housing facility in Berlin. The Northern Forest Center and AHEAD are doing amazing work to support the communities of the North Country. I am proud to support projects like this that leverage federal funds to help Berlin and other communities transition from home oil heating systems to advanced, high-efficiency wood pellet boilers that save thousands of dollars.

I was thrilled to convene a phenomenal group of North Country community and business leaders at the AMC Highland Center in Bretton Woods to talk about the region’s tourism industry and how we can create more tourism jobs for North Country workers. Tourism is the second largest industry in the state, and particularly critical to the economy of the North Country. The Granite State’s natural beauty is a major part of our identity, and we must work together to preserve it.

The last stop on my tour was at the Mount Washington Cog Railway. It was terrific to visit one of NH’s most spectacular and unique attractions.

The Cog Railway was built in 1869, and climbs all the way to the top of Mount Washington, the highest peak in the Northeastern United States.We must support North Country's tourist sites like this one in order to create more jobs here for North Country workers!

Have a great week and thanks for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a unique place to live!