Catching Up with Annie

Spreading Cheer to Granite State Veterans

I hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday season! Over the last several days, I’ve been working on behalf of Granite Staters in Washington and New Hampshire. I’ve had the honor of delivering student-made holiday cards to the residents at the NH Veterans Home, participating in a forum on the Exit 36S project in Nashua, advocating for victims of military sexual assault, and nominating 25 impressive young people to U.S. Service Academies.

Delivering Holiday Cards at the NH Vets Home

I was so honored to get a chance to visit the New Hampshire Veterans Home, where I handed out lovely holiday cards made by local New Hampshire students and visited with the courageous veterans who reside there. Our veterans sacrificed so much to protect us, and I’m happy to have the opportunity to give a small token of our appreciation back to them. I’m proud that so many students helped spread cheer to these men and women who bravely served our country. It is inspirational to see our young people showing such generosity of spirit, and commitment to honoring our state’s veterans. (Read more here)

Standing up for our Men and Women in Uniform

Last week, I joined with 23 other Members of Congress to submit an Amicus Brief supporting the rights of victims of military sexual assault (MST). Our military men and women make great personal sacrifices to serve and protect our nation, and none of them should ever be forced to undergo the trauma of sexual assault in the military. The fact that some MST victims are then forced to jump through more hoops than other veterans in order to receive treatment for their PTSD when they return home is absolutely egregious. Servicemen and women who suffer from PTSD as a result of sexual trauma that occurred during their time in service must have the same access to VA benefits as other PTSD survivors. (Read more here)

Working to Improve our Infrastructure

I was thrilled to join Nashua Mayor Donnalee Lozeau and the Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce last week to discuss the Exit 36S project. Exit 36 is an integral part of our transportation future in the Southern Tier, and would relieve traffic throughout the city of Nashua and help grow the local economy. I was excited to see the results of the feasibility study, and I look forward to supporting this project in any way I can.(Read more here)

New Hampshire Students with a Mission

I am honored to nominate 25 New Hampshire students for admission to the United States Service Academies. I applaud these dedicated young men and women, who are competing for a chance to learn how to serve and protect our great nation. Hailing from all across the Granite State, from Nashua to Colebrook and everywhere in between, all of these students would be excellent representatives of New Hampshire at our fine military academies. I’m so proud of each and every one of them for their hard work, patriotism, and deep commitment to serving our nation. (Read more here)

Happy holidays to you and yours!