Catching Up with Annie

Advanced Manufacturing is the Future

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Last week, I celebrated National Manufacturing Day by cosponsoring legislation to help manufacturers expand their businesses. I also attended the Congressional Law Enforcement Awards to help honor our law enforcement officials for acts of bravery and dedication to protect the Granite State. In addition, I joined a bipartisan group of my colleagues to urge the professional sports commissioners to work to prevent domestic violence and sexual assault. And on Sunday, I helped celebrate the Concord Feminist Health Center’s 40th anniversary, as it continues to provide quality reproductive health care to women in the Concord area.

Supporting Manufacturing in the Granite State

On National Manufacturing Day, I cosponsored the Manufacturing Reinvestment Account Act to help manufacturers purchase new equipment, expand facilities, and improve workforce development programs. I cosponsored the bill in response to a request from Williams & Hussey Machine Co., Inc., a woodworking tools manufacturer in Milford. I have made it my number one priority in Congress to help support the creation of jobs and opportunity for New Hampshire families. Manufacturers like Williams & Hussey contribute to the Granite State economy by expanding the manufacturing base and creating good jobs for New Hampshire workers, and this bill will help small manufacturers throughout New Hampshire continue to grow through the creation of tax-preferred manufacturing reinvestment accounts.

Honoring NH Law Enforcement

I was so honored to co-host the Congressional Law Enforcement Awards in Concord on Friday. Each and every day, law enforcement officers and first responders put themselves in harm’s way in order to keep our citizens and our communities safe from crime and danger. It was great to have the opportunity to honor our law enforcement officers for protecting our families and communities. Thank you for your courage and dedication.

Fighting to End Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

This week, I joined colleagues from both parties in urging professional sports commissioners to take action to prevent domestic violence and sexual assault. As the recent incidents involving professional athletes illustrate all too clearly, domestic violence and sexual assault remain a serious threat. As we mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we must renew our efforts to hold the perpetrators of domestic and sexual violence accountable, expand support services for survivors of abuse, and find ways to prevent domestic violence before it happens.

Celebrating 40 years for a Local Women’s Health Care Provider

I was thrilled to speak at the 40th Anniversary Celebration of Concord Feminist Health Center on Sunday. We are so fortunate to have such a devoted provider of sexual and reproductive health care here in the Capital City. As the Representative for New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District, I continue to fight in Congress for every woman’s right to comprehensive reproductive health care.

Helping Granite Staters

Recently, I was contacted by Ken Hammond of Concord, a constituent who was having difficulty obtaining health insurance coverage because of his “permanent resident” status. My staff was able to work with Ken to navigate the immigration components of the application process and helped resolve the issue. If my office may ever be of assistance with a problem you are facing, please contact my staff at 603-226-1002 so we may help you resolve your problem or get you the information you need. 

Thanks for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to live!