Catching Up with Annie

Happy Independence Day!

On July 4th, we get a chance to spend quality time with family and friends, and celebrate America's birthday.  We have cookouts, watch fireworks, and enjoy the summer weather.  During this weekend's festivities, let's also take a moment to remember the basic rights our Founding Fathers claimed for all Americans in the Declaration of Independence: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  I would also like to thank all of the brave men and women who have served in the Armed Forces to protect our nation. 


Visiting Campers in Penacook

I had an awesome visit to Camp Spaulding in Penacook this week. This camp is a wonderful collaboration between the Concord Family YMCA, the YMCA of Greater Nashua, and Child and Family Services of NH that hosts terrific day and overnight programs for children from around New England.  Thanks to the campers for showing me a great time, and thanks to all of the staff and organizers for all you do to support our kids!

Advanced Manufacturing in the Granite State

I was thrilled to join the New England Council for the release of a new report on the growth of advanced manufacturing across New England at GE Aviation in Hooksett. Since taking office, helping to create more jobs and opportunity in the Granite State has been one of my top priorities. And our advanced manufacturers contribute so much to our state's economy - it's essential that we support them and help them continue to create good jobs for Granite Staters. (Read more here about how we can help revitalize the state’s manufacturing industry, and prepare our young people to enter the modern, 21st century workforce.)

Women in Agriculture

New Hampshire's agricultural industry has great promise, and I'm encouraged by the number of women who have emerged as top leaders in the field.  I've long fought to help this industry grow, so I was thrilled to bring top USDA official Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden to New Hampshire to hear directly from local women agricultural leaders about how the USDA can support them.  During her visit, Deputy Secretary Harden provided panel participants with important resources and asked for feedback, and I know we will both take the stories, thoughts, and concerns that were shared back to Washington.  I look forward to continuing to work together to support the success of New Hampshire's agricultural industry as a whole, and particularly the women leaders who play such a key role in this industry's success. 

Have a wonderful 4th and thank you for everything you do to make the Granite State such a great place to call home.