Catching Up with Annie

Supporting our Law Enforcement

Hello, everyone!


This week, I wanted to share with you some important news that will help our law enforcement effectively combat the opioid epidemic threatening communities across New Hampshire. 


Three months ago, the Department of Justice made a decision to suspend the Asset Forfeiture Program, which provides funds to help law enforcement’s public safety and security efforts. Under this program, the assets used in criminal activity that are seized by law enforcement during federal and state investigations are liquidated, and then provided to state and local governments to support their efforts to keep our communities safe. 

We all know that New Hampshire is currently facing an opioid epidemic of epic proportions, and far too many families are suffering. While we are continuing to focus on increasing access to treatment, we must also ensure our law enforcement officials have the resources they need to get these drugs off our streets. When the asset forfeiture program was suspended, I was concerned about how this would affect our law enforcement’s ability to stop criminals trafficking heroin and fentanyl into New Hampshire. I urged the U.S. Attorney General to reinstate the program for states like New Hampshire that are battling this drug epidemic. I applaud the Department of Justice’s decision, announced this week, to do just that. Reinstating this program will allow our local police departments once again to have access to the funds that aid and support their critical work.


Serving our Veterans

I was contacted by a constituent named Raymond Spring from Swanzey who needed assistance with an issue he was having in accessing care through the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Choice Program.  As a Member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I have long advocated for increased access to care for veterans, and I’ve prioritized efforts to improve and expand upon the Choice Program. 


Mr. Spring had difficulty gathering the proper paperwork necessary to book an appointment at a medical facility. My staff worked with the Manchester VA Medical Center and Healthnet to assist Mr. Spring in securing his appointment.  The Choice Program, while great in that it expands access to care for many of our veterans across the state, is still somewhat of a work in progress. No veteran should ever have trouble access the care he needs, and if you are having trouble making an appointment using this program, I urge you to contact my office so we can help. 


Additionally, if my office may ever be of assistance with any problems you are experiencing with any federal agency, you can contact my staff at (603) 226-1002 so we may help you resolve your problem or help you receive the services you need.


As always, thanks for all that you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to live!
