Press Releases

Kuster Denounces Trump Administration Rule to Limit Funds for Reproductive Healthcare, Family Planning

(Concord, NH) – Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on the Trump Administration’s rule to impose a domestic gag rule on the Title X family planning program, restricting women’s access to comprehensive healthcare services. Kuster has been a vocal opponent of the proposed rule, writing to Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar and Congressional leadership in opposition to the proposed changes to Title X.

“Today’s announcement by the Trump Administration will cause irreparable damage to the Title X program, which provides critical care to low-income individuals and families,” said Kuster. “This decision will jeopardize the ability of millions of women, men and young people to discuss with their doctors the full range of options when considering their healthcare choices. This is simply another ideological attack on the right of women, men and families to access a full range of quality and affordable reproductive healthcare services. I will fight to protect the nation’s family planning program as the Trump Administration attempts to undermine the health of low-income Americans.”
