Press Releases

Kuster Attends Listening Session with HHS Secretary Tom Price, Expresses Concerns with American Health Care Act

(Concord, NH) – This afternoon, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) joined a listening session with Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price to express her concerns with the American Health Care Act and its impact on access to healthcare and substance misuse treatment in New Hampshire. In advance of Secretary Price’s visit, Congresswoman Kuster wrote to the Secretary and inquired about the Trump Administration’s commitment to ensuring coverage for those with preexisting conditions, protecting rural hospitals, supporting treatment and recovery services for substance misuse, and avoiding cost increases for older Americans.

“I was glad to have the opportunity to express my concerns about the American Health Care Act with Secretary Price this afternoon,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “In New Hampshire, Medicaid expansion offered through the ACA has played an important role in getting thousands of Granite Staters seeking recovery services the treatment and care they need. Nearly every participant at today’s listening session highlighted the critical need to continue Medicaid expansion in our state. The Republican healthcare bill poses a serious threat to efforts to address the opioid crisis in New Hampshire and across the country. I hope that after hearing from people in New Hampshire, Secretary Price will have an appreciation for the importance of preserving access to treatment and recovery services that were established by the ACA. Rather than pursue partisan efforts to repeal the ACA, I urge my colleagues to come together in good faith to work to improve access to healthcare for all Americans.”
