Press Releases

On First Day of Open Enrollment, Kuster Encourages Granite Staters to Review Health Insurance Options on Marketplace

Concord, N.H. – Today, Rep. Kuster released the following statement on the first day of Open Enrollment for the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplace.

“Open Enrollment begins today, and folks in New Hampshire have an opportunity to sign up for coverage or make changes to their existing health insurance plan,” said Rep. Kuster. “I encourage all Granite Staters who don’t get insurance through their employer, Medicare, or Medicaid to visit for information and to browse the plans that are available. Even for those who already have coverage, this is an important opportunity for individuals and families to make sure that they are enrolled in the health insurance plan that best serves their needs.”

Granite State families depend on the health insurance plans that are available through the Affordable Care Act Marketplace. Most people qualify for tax credits or subsidies that can significantly reduce monthly premiums. Open Enrollment began today and ends on December 15. Since coming to Congress, Rep. Kuster has been working to defend the Affordable Care Act and the protections it provides for all Americans. The House passed her legislation, the Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act (H.R. 986) earlier this year, which would prevent the Trump Administration from encouraging states to offer “junk health plans” that don’t cover basic medical services or preexisting conditions.
