Press Releases

Kuster, Pappas Hold Third Telephone Town Hall on Coronavirus

Today, Representatives Annie Kuster and Chris Pappas (NH-01) held a telephone town hall to discuss the COVID-19 (coronavirus) public health crisis and take questions from New Hampshire residents. Kuster and Pappas were joined on the call by Lisa Morris, Director of the Division of Public Health Services at the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (NH-DHHS) and Dr. Jonathan Ballard, Chief Medical Officer at NH DHHS. The Representatives and health officials answered questions from Granite Staters about New Hampshire’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak and actions Congress is taking to bolster the local health response and provide economic relief to small businesses and families. More than 14,000 New Hampshire residents joined the call where they received an update on legislation to mitigate the financial impact of COVID-19 and information about resources to access small business loans, unemployment insurance, and more. 

“As the number of coronavirus cases continues to climb in New Hampshire and across the country, it’s essential that Granite Staters have the information they need to keep themselves and their families safe,” said Kuster. “I appreciate Lisa Morris and Dr. Ballard of the NH Department of Health and Human Services for taking the time to join our conversation and keep Granite Staters informed.” 

“In New Hampshire, we are facing serious challenges due to the coronavirus public health emergency,” Kuster continued. “We need a robust COVID-19 response package to support New Hampshire’s health care system, workers, families and small businesses, and provide some certainty in these uncertain times. I am encouraged that the Senate has reached a bipartisan agreement on a third funding package that will provide much-needed economic relief for Granite Staters. I urge the Senate to pass this bill without delay and look forward to its consideration in the House. Keep calm, wash your hands, stay home whenever possible, and if you are feeling sick, isolate yourself and call your health care provider. We will continue to monitor the coronavirus situation in our state closely.” 

“Following the announcement of a third bipartisan coronavirus response package, Congresswoman Kuster and I held another telephone town hall to update our constituents on key provisions that will support New Hampshire businesses and families at this exceptionally difficult time,” said Congressman Pappas. “We sincerely appreciate the public health experts who took time out of their packed schedules to share critical resources and information to help Granite Staters stay healthy and safe. As we push forward with our whole-of-government response, any constituent who needs assistance should reach out to my office by calling us at (603) 285-4300 or by going to our website at” 

In the past two weeks prior to tonight, Kuster and Pappas held two telephone town halls, and the Representatives will continue to keep the community updated on federal efforts to support and protect Granite Staters and people across the country. This tele-town hall was conducted remotely, as both Reps. Kuster and Pappas are working from home when possible to practice social distancing.
